Pride of Guernsey: Jocelyn De La Mare
JOCELYN DE LA MARE has been nominated for Parent of the Year, sponsored by Ray & Scott.

‘Our mum never complains, and she never puts herself first,’ said Courtney De La Mare, Jocelyn’s nominator and daughter.
Jocelyn works hard everyday, day and night, to provide for her four children aged 20, 18, 17 and 16, to keep them thriving and happy.
‘If the children are happy, I’m happy,’ she said.
Jocelyn says that her kids are her world and loves every minute of every day with them.
‘From the time she gets up in the morning to the time she goes to bed she always puts us first,’ said Courtney, as she appreciates how much her mum does for all her children.
Jocelyn lost her husband in 2020 due to cancer during the Covid pandemic lockdown which was a shock to the whole family.
She helped her children with the grieving process whilst also going through the same emotions.
‘I’m very excited to be nominated,’ said Jocelyn when she heard about her nomination.
She looks forward to watching her children qualify at college and school and get to where they want to be.
‘I nominate our mum as she is a superhero,’ said Courtney.