Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: CT Plus bus drivers

The ‘first-class’ CT Plus bus drivers have been nominated for the Customer Service award, sponsored by DWA.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32459402)

‘I use the bus twice a day, Monday to Friday,’ said their nominator, who wished to remain anonymous. They have been using the bus service regularly for five years.

‘The drivers have language barriers, they have age barriers, but all work brilliantly and cohesively together.

‘All of the CT Plus drivers are lovely, and the way they deal with our tourists deserves to be recognised. They are always courteous, kind and don’t get the recognition they deserve.

‘There are not many problems, and nine times out of 10, they are not generally the bus company’s fault,’ they said.

‘It’s brilliant value for money, you don’t have to worry about parking or anything like that. They are providing a bus service par excellence against great adversity – road closures, diversions, traffic queues and giving fantastic customer service to visitors and locals.

‘How they’ve managed with all the road closures is beyond me. To run a bus service to the standard they have is incredible.

‘I can’t speak highly enough of them. They are community heroes for providing a bus service that we all take for granted and we should all be proud of.

‘They’re unsung heroes, the lot of them.’

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