MORE treasures have been revealed from the late Norman Bowdidge’s photo album.

Nearly lost to landfill at the Longue Hougue reclamation facility, but rescued by a local woman earlier this year 2017, the blue vinyl-covered memento contained the most memorable events of the amateur photographer’s life – from England, early images of his grandparents, his parents’ marriage in 1929 and his birth, through his early years in Guernsey, his fifth-form photo at Vauxbelets in 1947 and experiments with his own camera, to his holidays away to Sark, London and Amersham, family parties at St Saviour’s Parish Youth Club and later, becoming leader himself of The Western Active Youth Club in 1957.
This time we share pictures of the youth club – does anyone recognise himself or a relative in this gang of bright-eyed likely lads?; a shot of a young Maurice Le Huray in his beret (de rigeur workwear for a greenhouseman of that era) at ‘Veronica’ (was this a vinery, and if so, is it still there?); and a later series of atmospheric, documentary-style pictures of Maurice Le Huray and Donald Le Cras night steaming greenhouses at La Fontaine in St Saviour’s (those of a certain age can’t fail to remember the noise, the steam and the silhouettes of men grafting all night behind the milky panes to sterilise the soil).
We also include a couple of party pictures, including one from 27 October, 1952, a Halloween get-together attended by Norman and his parents dressed in full wizardry.
Beautifully captured shots and a loving document of what Guernsey once was and never will be again.
The album has now been donated to the Priaulx Library.
u If you do recognise yourself and others in any of these photographs, contact Shaun Shackleton at or on 240210.