Diverse world caught on camera
CONJUNCTION, the latest exhibition at the Gate House Galley, features two photographic projects.

Taken from courses run by Elizabeth College’s current artist-in-residence, Aaron Yeandle, the work is by students at Le Voies School and post-16 photography students and adults.
‘Le Voies is a small school that supports secondary-level students with emotional and behavioural difficulties,’ explained Aaron. ‘Tania Eddies, who is the head of art at the school, initially made contact and wanted her students to be involved with the gallery’s education programme.
‘The students were given the title My World View. The group had six 15-16 year olds and we had six weekly workshops where the students reflected on their own ideas and interests in response to their home and immediate environment.’
Firstly they used their own cameras – phones and iPads – then they were given disposable cameras with the aim of making a limited series of more-considered images.
‘They explored their identity through where they come from and this included family, friends and pets and the actual areas where they lived. The project aimed to build confidence in each student to express themselves and to develop skills and confidence by using photography to record and communicate experience and ideas.’
The second project was a four-session course over two months.
‘These were evening classes and, as well as adults, they included students from Elizabeth and Ladies’ colleges as well as the College of FE and Grammar School,’ said Aaron. ‘Participants generated their own project brief and some of the students already had projects they were developing as part of their A-levels or creative and digital arts diplomas.’
The result is a wonderfully diverse and poetical journey around our island, documenting the familiar, the personal and the seldom seen.
Conjunction opens on Friday 27 April at the Gate House Gallery from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome. It then continues from 10am-4pm on Saturday and Sunday 28 and 29 April and then then Saturday and Sunday 5 and 6 May.