White Rock bombing film planned
AN AMBITIOUS film project about the bombing of the White Rock is being planned.

It’s the brainchild of local writer/director Alex Bates.
‘I wanted to make the most of my time here on Guernsey because I can’t go back to England and make a film there,’ said Alex. ‘I didn’t know much about the bombing, we never learned about it at school, but I read a personal account in the book Isolated Island by VV Cortvriend and thought it was an important story.
‘I want to try to capture, to get across the scope of the story as much as possible. I want to focus on the bombing and its aftermath.’
On 28 June 1940, 34 people were killed and 33 were injured when three German planes bombed St Peter Port Harbour. The attack saw 49 vehicles damaged or destroyed, most of them trucks of tomatoes waiting to be exported.
‘I already have an early draft of the script and have recruited Matthew Stockreiter as cinematographer and Elliott Cockett as the drone operator. We’ve also got Gaz Papworth, the local filmmaker, on board to help out with the shoot and my friend Jamie Mills is co-producing.’

Alex went to the Northern Film School in Leeds and graduated this year. For his graduation piece he directed a film called Badges which has been nominated for a Bill Vinten GTC (Guild of Television Camera Professionals) University Award.
‘We’ve already found a location which could simulate the White Rock and my dad has a friend who has military vehicles and access to costumes. But I would welcome further contacts and contributors.’
‘In terms of the actors I’m looking for I’m hoping to find two male and two female actors all aged between 25 and 40. I would also like a stunt coordinator and I would like to speak to any people who were there and remember the bombing.
‘I would really like to find out whether VV Cortvriend has any relatives who still live on the island.’
Filming will start in January 2021.
If you can help Alex with any of his requests, or want to act in the film, he can be contacted at alexbatesgsy@outlook.com.
To watch the trailer of Badges, visit www.facebook.com/BadgesFilm/videos/558991394814606