Developer has renewed interest in Fort Tourgis
ALMOST 10 years after first showing interest, the Dutch would-be developer of Fort Tourgis in Alderney has announced that he wants to start building next year.

Frans Verweij has contacted the States of Alderney about resurrecting his plans to turn the crumbling Victorian fort into a 57-room hotel, conference centre, pool and spa.
From 2008 Mr Verweij, with his development company Verweij en Partners, held the option to buy Tourgis for £1m.
Four years later the States of Alderney asked the company to pay £100,000 to extend the option. They declined to pay, saying they had already poured £1m. into development of plans for the fort, and the option was withdrawn.
Despite insisting they still meant to develop Tourgis, that failed to happen as the recession took hold and the real estate and development arm of Verweij went bankrupt.
Full story in today's Guernsey Press