Alderney Breakwater damage worst in years
STORMY weather and spring tides have inflicted what is thought to be the worst damage for several years to Alderney’s breakwater.

Huge granite stones were torn from the Victorian edifice and more than a dozen two-tonne blocks landed along its walkway.
Although the breakwater gets a battering every new year, a combination of gale force winds and a strong spring tide meant it sustained a worse pounding than usual. Around 12 granite blocks, measuring about a metre and a half in length, broke off the seaward side of the breakwater and were brought over the top by the force of the water on Wednesday. Each block is estimated to weigh between two and three tonnes.
A 10m section of coping stones was also stripped off further down the wall on its harbour side – but it could stretch to 30m on the seaward side.
Harbour master Mark Gaudion said the damage could be worse on the seaward side of the breakwater – but the full extent will not be known until an inspection is carried out by boat in calmer weather.
Full story in today's Guernsey Press