Alderney pupils learn about Victorian-era toys
ST ANNE’S SCHOOL children were given the chance to play with the toys enjoyed by their Victorian counterparts at Alderney Museum.

Eighteen children from Years 1 and 2 spent the morning exploring its exhibits and then playing with toys brought out from the archive specially for them.
They wore gloves to handle toys such as a kaleidoscope, a peg doll and wooden pecking chickens, which worked by setting balls in motion underneath the board they stood on.
Teacher Sally Dawber explained: ‘They have been doing a project on toys this term and we contacted the museum and they brought out toys from their archive. It’s great for our pupils because it really brings their project to life.’
The museum has been livened up by a series of hand painted characters pointing the way to various exhibits.
The characters, a member of the Alderney Militia, a pirate and a pair of young evacuees, were created by former St Anne’s School art teacher Marcus Cowling.