Guernsey Press

Herm and Sark now closed to all

HERM and Sark have effectively closed their borders.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 27626161)

Passenger sailings to both islands have been suspended.

Herm Island CEO Craig Senior said: ‘It is with a very heavy heart that for the protection of our loyal guests and island community we regret to announce that access to Herm will now be restricted until further notice.

‘In agreement with Herm Travel Trident, all sailings will be postponed. We respectfully ask that no boaters visit the island until restrictions have been lifted.’

Despite social distancing measures, the risk of exposure still exists.

‘Herm is a tourist business as well as being home to 65 residents. It is our responsibility to ensure the health and safety of both visitors and islanders.

‘We are sure you will appreciate that it is almost impossible to run a hospitality business of our nature and to operate ferries between Herm and Guernsey with guaranteed safety in these unprecedented circumstances.

‘Following the advice to world communities we are seeking to avoid the virus spreading further, putting extra pressure on our hard-working emergency services at this critical time.’

Those who had made bookings to stay on Herm up to 30 April are requested to contact travel insurers before contacting Herm Island.

‘Our reservation team members will now be working from home. If possible please do email rather than phone as we are operating under difficult circumstances. Phones will be diverted from our administration office to team members’ mobile phones. We will do our very best to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible.’

Mr Senior said: ‘We have been extremely grateful for the co-operation, respect and support shown by our guests so far and truly humbled by the kindness, compassion and genuine care being displayed in our local communities and so many communities around the world. Hopefully it won’t be too long until we can welcome you to our shores again, but in the meantime, stay strong, keep smiling, stay in touch but keep your distance.’

Cargo sailings to Sark are continuing on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Chief Pleas met behind closed doors last week because of the coronavirus. Members were told that the current locum doctor would be ending her stint at the end of the month and a full-time replacement is still needed.

Cover will be provided with help from Health & Social Care in the meantime.

Sark school closed on Friday, while Liberation Day celebrations have been cancelled for this year.