Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 20 March, 2012

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr and Mrs G. Green – raise ridge height and install two dormer windows to front (north) elevation and one dormer window and double doors to rear (south) elevation. Raise existing flat roof to rear and install balcony above with stainless steel balustrade and remove chimney at Marin Cottage, Les Dunes, Vazon.

Mr and Mrs N. Dorey – demolish existing porch at rear and erect a conservatory at Le Vieux Feugre, Ruette de la Tour, Cobo.

Mr and Mrs M. Bachelet – install two rooflights to front and rear of dwelling and erect rear ground floor extension at Castries, The Beeches, 2, Le Villocq Lane.

Mr A. Holmes – demolish existing conservatory on rear (west) elevation and erect a two-storey extension at St Michel, Rue de l'Ange, Rue du Friquet.


Mrs L. Evans – install two replacement windows to front of property at 2, Lilydale Cottage, Les Varendes.


Mr and Mrs P. Dunn – replace all windows with uPVC windows and replace front door at Les Nuages, Hubits de Bas.

Mr and Ms N. Ravenscroft – erect a flat roofed single storey extension and pergola (rear elevation), erect replacement timber clad porch, remove existing quoins and lintel over garage (front elevation) at The Brambles, Oberlands.

Mr and Mrs S. Spindlow – demolish chimney on west elevation at Otterington, Rue Cauchez.

Cable & Wireless Guernsey – reposition existing and install new telecommunications cabinet at private lane, Les Blanches.


Mr and Mrs R. Williams – convert loft and install two rooflights to front and rear of dwelling at Wisteria, 9, The Oaks, Maurepas Road.

Mr and Mrs R. Barker – install enclosure and flue to house new boiler (north east) elevation at Apartment 11, La Reserve Apartment, complex off Les Cotils.

Investec Bank (Channel Islands) Ltd – install additional door to third floor terrace on east elevation at Third Floor, Glategny Court, Glategny Esplanade.

Red (Guernsey) Ltd – remove existing signage, exterior lights and flagpoles and install signage on entrance doors, and additional illuminated menu cover. Erect canvas cover on first floor terrace at Riva Bistro and Bar, 61, The Pollet.

Mr A. Robins – replace existing bay window and door at rear with new wooden window and door (protected building) at Les Ramblas, Mount Durand.

Ms N. Tullier and Mr A. Hutchins – erect boundary fence/wall at rear of dwelling at Pine Grove, Fermain Road.


Mr and Mrs K. Burnside – raise ridge height, install additional dormer at front of property, erect part single, part three storey extension and construct balcony at rear of property at Malori House, Les Banques.

Vaudin Stonemasons Ltd – install 12 storage containers on site (retrospective) at Vaudin Stonemasons Yard, La Fontaine Vinery, Le Murier.

Mr and Ms D. Arnold – variations to works previously approved – revised swimming pool enclosure at Brackendale Lodge, Duveaux Road.

Sandpiper CI Ltd – demolish existing shop and erect three dwellings with associated amenity spaces and parking areas. Form new access driveway and alterations to existing garages at Sandy Hook Stores, Sandy Hook, L'Islet.


Mr and Mrs C. Coles –

erection of fences to west of existing (Visitor Economy Use Class 15) units at Les Piques Farmhouse, Route des Piques.

Mr and Mrs C. Coles – extend and alter existing accommodation to provide an additional unit of self catering accommodation and alter parking area at Les Piques Farmhouse, Route des Piques.


Guernsey Electricity Ltd – relocate electricity sub station at St Michaels Cottage, Route Militaire.

Mr G. R. Collins – remove existing garage and erect a detached timber garage to front of property at Les Chouettes, Landes du Marche.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.

Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and might appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port,

between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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