Planning applications - 24 April, 2012
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Mr and Mrs B. Clouston – erect extension at rear of property and convert garage to habitable accommodation, replace pantile roof with thatch and install eyebrow window at front and alter fenestration at rear of property (protected building) at Moulin de Haut, Moulin de Haut.
Mr and Mrs S. Robert – erect gate and lay railway sleepers in front of banks to each side of roadside entrance at Damai, Candie Road.
Mrs B. Abbott – erect single storey extension at rear with roof lantern at Courtil des Ruettes, La Houguette Road.
Comh-Fiontar Ltd – erect a dwelling (unit 6) (revised) at Hillside, Unit 6, Route du Tertre.
Mr G. Hill – car park layout and new access (revised) at Les Grandes Rocques Holiday Apartments, Grandes Rocques.
Mr T. Le Poidevin and Mr L. Thomas – erect fencing to rear of property (protected building) at Kinnear Cottage, Rohais de Haut.
Miss J. Chamberlain – variations to previously approved works including to install two catslide dormers to rear of property – replace catslide dormer windows at rear with one catslide dormer window at Domaine de la Haute, Route de la Croix au Bailiff.
Mr and Mrs M. Search – install solar panels to roof of pool pump house at Les Grands Guillaumes, Ruette des Vauxbelets.
R. W. Randall Ltd – create play area at rear of property at The Last Post, Rue du St Andre.
Mr and Mrs A. Lyall – replace existing slate roof with new slate, clad parapet with lead and re-clad dormer flat roof (protected building) at Courtney House, 2, Clifton Terrace, Les Canichers.
Mr M. Trustum – erect fascia signs above entrance to front (north) and second floor (east) (protected building) at Ocean House, North Esplanade.
A. Baigent – change of use of ground floor to tearoom and coffee shop (Retail Use Class 15) and alter signage (front elevation) (protected building) at Pollet House, 31, Le Pollet.
Swoffers Ltd – erect flagpole on roadside elevation between first and second floors at Anns Place.
Mr J. Willis (Bursar) – variations to plans previously approved to erect extension to create third floor refectory above geography block – install access ramp, new external doors and alterations to new windows at Elizabeth College, Grange Road.
Mr and Mrs S. Gaudion – install new window at first floor level on west elevation at St Eves, 4, Coronation Road.
Caymus Ltd – extend roof in mansard style (rear) at Caymus, Rouge Huis Avenue.
R. W. Randall Ltd – erect an acoustic fence to north side of smoking shelter and paved area at St Jacques Tavern, St Jacques.
C. M. Enterprises Ltd – erect 1.2m high post and rail fence at new site off La Neuve Rue.
J. K. Holdings Ltd – convert property to provide four flats and a retail unit; alter and install new windows and doors and block up existing door (protected building) at 19, Mansell Street.
Mr D. Chilton – widen vehicular access and parking; alter and extend dwelling house to rear and internal alterations (protected building) at 91, Mount Durand.
Sarnia Developments Ltd – demolish existing building and erect hoarding to Stanley Road (north) and rear (south) site boundaries at Sarnia Car Hire site, Stanley Road.
Mr and Mrs A. P. Casebow – erect fencing (north, south and west front boundaries) at Les Belles Arbres, Avenue Beauvais, Ville au Roi Estate.
Culture and Leisure Department – erect Olympic Torch Relay sign from 18 May until 16 July 2012 (protected building) at Guernsey Information Centre, North Plantation, North Esplanade.
Mr M. Brooksbank – install a traffic mirror at La Tourelle, Route de la Tourelle.
Miss J. Skillett – extend and alter dwelling, demolish existing outbuilding and create parking area at front at La Canaufle, Route de la Lague.
Mr G. Denning – erect a sun room (rear elevation) at Portia, 23, Clos des Isles, Les Banques.
Mr D. V. Simmon and Mrs J. H. Forman – erect temporary wooden fence at 1, Church Terrace, Church Road.
Mr J. Gosselin and Ms N. Norman – install one dormer window at front and one dormer window at rear at Makai Cottage, Clos des Petites Maisons, Vale Road.
Sprint Investments Ltd – alter car park layout and install lighting, remove raised culvert and replace with concrete cover plate and erect porch and install ramp at entrance of building (south elevation) at Alliance car park and Alliance Cash and Carry, Braye Road Industrial Estate, La Route du Braye.
Mr D. Holden and Miss L. Cochrane – erect pitched roof two storey extension and single storey lean-to extension at rear at Arcadia Cottage, Capelles.
Mr and Mrs A. Benham – replace existing window with door on (north) and (west) elevation, new door to (east) elevation and replacement of flat roof at Tsavo, Les Salines Lane.
Mrs J. A. Elmy – remove hedge and erect fencing at Pentland, 15, Clos des Pecqueries, Rue des Cottes.
Mr S. Noyon – demolish existing storage outbuilding and rear flat roof extension, erect single/double storey extension at rear of dwelling and remove section of bank to create parking area and alter driveway at Pres de la Mer, Rue du Catioroc.
Mr A. T. Madden – erect extension at rear of property, increase roof height, install two rooflights and dormer windows at rear and one rooflight and dormer window at front of dwelling and change door and window openings at Le Courtil Planel, Route du Planel.
Dr and Mrs N. King – erect a porch (north elevation) at White Lodge, La Route de St Magloire.
Mr and Mrs G. J. De Jersey – remove hedge and erect ranch style fence (retrospective) at Caesarea, Les Grands Marais.
Mr and Mrs Hurdley – demolish existing conservatory and erect conservatory, extend and alter to north (rear), install replacement and new windows and doors (all elevations) and install rooflights (front and rear elevations) at Maison de Haut Cottage, La Maison au Compte.
Mr and Mrs L. Malcic – convert barn into habitable accommodation at Petit Folie, La Folie Lane.
Mr and Mrs L. Malcic – convert existing barn into habitable accommodation. Replace roof, windows and doors and install two windows on first floor level on (west) elevation and replace existing first floor door with window on (south) elevation (protected building) at La Folie, La Folie Lane.
Mr and Mrs Ridges – install two dormer windows and a Cabrio rooflight balcony to front elevation and two dormer windows and two rooflights to rear elevation at La Greve Farm, La Greve, Rue du Closel.
Mr W. Billien – erect a single-storey flat roof extension (north elevation) at 11, Hampshire Court, Rue Mainguy.
It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seen days of the publication of the above list.
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Applications are normally advertised in the Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected.
Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letter of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.