Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 22 May, 2012

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr K. Robins and Miss J. Le Normand – erect sun lounge extension to rear of dwelling and install dormer window at Sea Breeze, The Dunes, Vazon Road.

Mr and Mrs Underdown – extend dwelling (rear elevation), remove conifer hedge and extend paving at Le Pre, Rue du Preel.

Mr and Mrs J. Mew – extend driveway to form turning area, remove section of retaining wall and erect new retaining wall at Elsted, Rue des Eturs.

Mr and Mrs P. Guymer – demolish single garage and erect double garage and glazed link between garage and dwelling at Castaways, Sous les Courtils.

Panda Holdings Ltd – demolish existing outbuildings and erect stable block at Cordoree Vinery, Ruette de la Tour.

Mr and Mrs Renouf – reposition window and block up opening (front elevation) at Deo Juvante, Saumarez Lane.


Forest Stores Ltd – erect glazed covered walkway at entrance; raise height of wall at front at Forest Stores, Le Bourg.

Mr and Mrs R. Breban – demolish extension and extend dwelling (south and west elevations) and install gate at Le Petit Russel Farm, Rue des Agneaux.


Mr and Mrs N. Le Tissier – variations to plans previously approved – construct hipped roof conservatory on west elevation, remove existing hedge and erect a fence off east elevation and install two rooflights on south east elevation at Chattel House, Rue de la Bonne Fleur, Le Vauquiedor.


Mr and Mrs M. Bunce – re-levelling and re-grading of three areas on site at Bon Air Estate, La Route de Sausmarez.

Mrs V. Le Gallez – demolish existing extension at rear and erect replacement conservatory at Falzet, 14, Les Camps Terrace, Route des Camps.

Newton Holdings Ltd – reduce size of previously approved extension on south and west elevations and alterations to window at The White Cottage, Saints Bay Road.

Newton Holdings Ltd – remove door on north elevation and install two windows and reduce size of window on east elevation (revised) at The White Cottage, Saints Bay Road.

Mr A. Carre – demolish existing extension and erect new extension on south east (side) elevation; install new windows on south west elevation; install sunken terrace and enlarge parking area. Erect a summer house at rear. Carry out retrospective internal and external alterations to main dwelling (protected building) at 4, Blanches Cottages, La Route de Blanches.


Barclays Corporate Real Estate Services – install new disabled access ramp at Le Marchant House, Le Truchot.

Liberation Management Ltd – change of use of ground floor from retail to administrative, financial and professional services (use class 21) at 13, North Esplanade.

Ossory Estates Ltd – demolish building retaining part of facade to Smith Street and reconstruct to create a retail unit at ground floor level, office accommodation at ground, first and second floor levels and underground car park at basement level. Install car lift, create vehicular access from Forest Lane and lay paving (revised scheme) (protected building) at Nelson Place, Smith Street.

Mr S. Zekavica – convert dwelling into three flats (protected building) at 27, Saumarez Street.

Mr and Mrs P. Egan – extend dwelling at ground floor and first floor level (south-west elevation) at 5, Les Douze Maisons, Collings Road.

Mr V. Le Gallez – erect conservatory to rear of property (south) elevation at Baltimore Cottage, Green Lanes.

Bredoyle Ltd – demolish existing porch and erect a conservatory on rear (north) elevation at Aquila, Collings Road.

Mr K. Cochrane and Ms R. Martel – erect two sheds at rear of Killarney, Water Lanes.

Fuller Group Ltd – variations to plans previously approved for change of use of levels 1-4 (ground and lower ground floor) from retail to cafe bar/restaurant/shop for the sale of food to take away – alterations to windows and door on Quay Street entrance at 1, High Street.

Mr Tatnall and Miss Costello – remove section of roadside wall and create vehicular access and install pillar to front of property at Pringles, 8, Kings Road.

Mr and Mrs E. Finnerty – extend and alter existing garage to habitable accommodation, install new window and patio doors on north (rear) elevation at La Rocque, Rue a l'Or.

Mr A. Morris and Miss J. Morris – demolish existing and erect ground and first floor extensions including roof terraces to rear of property. Install captain dormer window in front roof slope and two catslide dormers in rear roof slope to provide habitable accommodation (protected building) (revised) at Westgate, 13, Park Street.

Mr and Mrs M. Lansdown – carry out excavation works to form swimming pool and associated patio, erect guard rails, erect plant room and form overflow/return tank at Jolivet, Village de Putron.

Highland (Property Co) Ltd – variations to previously approved to convert existing garage to habitable accommodation and erect garage extension to west elevation and single storey link to south elevation. Erect flat roofed single storey additions to west and north elevations to extension and replace first floor balcony on east elevation with stainless steel framed balcony and glazed balustrading at Cannon Lodge, 53, Princes Close, Fort George.


Mr T. F. Jones – erect a sun lounge at side/rear (west) elevation at Novara, Les Adams.

The West United Agricultural and Horticultural Society – install seven trailer caravans on show field from 9 August to 17 August 2012 inclusive at L'Eree Aerodrome, Route de la Rocque.

Mr M. R. Brooksbank – install five larger rooflights in place of existing (east roof slope) at La Tourelle, Route de la Tourelle.


Mr and Mrs M. Tetlow – relocate and widen vehicular access, install pillars and railings and infill existing entrance at The Haven, Les Grandes Maisons Road.

Norman Piette – install new signage at Norman Piette, Bulwer Avenue.

Mr C. Le Poidevin – erect 1.5 storey extension at rear with gable window and door above existing single storey extension with external staircase at rear. Replace rooflight in west roofslope of existing dwelling with dormer window and install rooflights. Remove section of boundary wall at side/rear to widen vehicular access; reposition boundary wall at rear to create garden and erect fence at Charlie's Family Butchers, South Side.

Mr and Mrs N. D'A. Le Tissier – alterations to create flat, erect entrance porch and erect fencing at rear of property at The Willows, Nocq Road.

Oatlands Holdings Ltd – temporary change of use of area of site to erect a 'Spiegel tent' until 30 September 2012. Erect fence to east of tent at Oatlands Village, Oatlands Lane.

Mr and Mrs K. Le Patourel – erect sun room at rear of property and install rooflight ridge system at Casero, Les Grandes Capelles Lane.

Mr and Mrs D. Prigent – erect lean-to porch at rear of property and install double doors at front of property at 16, Victoria Avenue.

Mrs M. Moon – demolish existing garage and erect new two storey extension on east elevation, remove existing pitched roof on existing extension and replace with a flat roof, install two lantern lights and glazed doors on west elevation at 1, L'Aval Villas, Rue Sauvage.

Mrs K. Ogier – raise height of front garden wall to 1.735m and install replacement gate in existing pedestrian access at Le Deuxieme, Les Petites Mielles.


Mrs T. Elderfield – create vehicular access and erect gates at Grande Rue Farm, La Grande Rue.


Dr and Mrs N. King – erect garage and install swimming pool at rear of property at White Lodge, La Route de St Magloire.

Mr M. Trenchard – replace existing slate roof, rebuild two chimneys and install five replacement rooflights to rear of property (protected building) at Eben-Ezer, Rue des Barras.

Ms M. De Jong and Mr C. McMinn – remove hedge and erect fence along east boundary at Karmel and Allways, Belval Road.

Mr and Mrs G. H. Mahy – change of use of dwelling to self catering accommodation at Pine Croft, La Vielle Marais.

Mr and Mrs N. Leale – apply external insulation to front and rear of dwelling at Vue du Neuvieme, L'Ancresse Road.

Mrs J. Batiste – alterations to access and car parking and reduce the height of the front boundary wall at Sarnia Work Wear Shop, Route du Camp du Roi.

Mr and Mrs G. McCormack – demolish existing shed and garage and erect two storey extension and boiler room and detached garage at rear. Replace windows with new uPVC windows; replace window at side (south elevation) with door and window at Aberfeldy, Rue du Pont Vaillant.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representation about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice. Applications are normally advertised in the Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays. Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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