Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 10 July, 2012

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey press.


Mr and Mrs J. Goodyear – internal alterations to create a single dwelling (protected building) at Woodlands, Rue des Vallees.

Mr and Mrs J. Rihoy – erect single storey pitched-roof extension with roof lantern, form raised open and enclosed terraces and steps to garden at rear at Les Beaucamps, Ruette des Beaucamps.

Mr and Mrs R. Burns – create new vehicular access, construct new garage, provide new pedestrian access to existing garage and install bollards and chains at George Lodge, La Neuve Rue, Albecq.

Mr and Mrs B. Hallett – demolish existing and erect replacement extension to south elevation, remove asbestos cladding and replace with render and alterations to parking area at Villandry, Rue de Bouverie.

Guernsey Sports Commission – alter car-parking area and provide landscaping at KGV, Rue Cohu.


Specsavers Optical Group Ltd – relocate bus stop to site exit, erect bus shelter and relocate existing signage at Specsavers HQ, La Villiaze Road.

Guardians of K. E. De Lacey Luff – erect sunroom to rear of dwelling (north elevation), re-tile roof, alterations to chimney and insulate and render exterior of dwelling at Rohais de Haut.

Mr and Mrs Bishop – demolish existing glasshouse and erect new white aluminium glasshouse at La Fermette, Route des Fauconnaires.

Mr and Mrs R. P. Babbe – erect lean-to glasshouse on west elevation of outbuilding to west of dwelling; erect an extension and carry out refurbishments (protected building) at Les Naftiaux, Rue des Naftiaux.


Lloyds TSB Offshore Ltd – replace fascia and soffit with uPVC at Lloyds TSB Offshore Ltd, La Grande Rue.

Mr and Mrs Tonkinson – construct new boundary walls, new gate pillars and install gates at Le Vauquiedor Manor, Le Vauquiedor.

Mr and Mrs Flouquet – variations to plans previously approved to demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling – increase width of garage, erect flat-roof extension and install catslide dormer on north elevation, alter rooflights and windows and omit granite from front elevation at Olive Tree Cottage, Rue des Grons.

Mr and Mrs J. P. Bisson – remove gorse hedging and replace with Griselinia hedging at land at La Rue des Frenes.

Mr and Mrs A. Pickford – erect ground-floor extension to north elevation at Le Petit Fief au Bret, Les Aubrets.

Vista Hotels Ltd – refurbishment and alterations to hotel at Le Chalet Hotel, Fermain Lane.


Lloyds TSB Offshore Ltd – lay netting on roof at rear (protected building) at Lloyds TSB Offshore Ltd, 1, Smith Street.

Mrs E. Coquelin – erect an orangery at first-floor level on existing balcony (rear elevation) (protected building) at Aldbrook 23, Saumarez Street.

Mr R. Angliss – increase height and render existing roadside boundary wall, erect new gate pillar and install new railings at Val Plaisant, St Jacques.

Mr C. L. Allen – replace existing sliding sash uPVC windows with casement uPVC windows to front of property at Dorset Cottages, Tower Hill Steps.

Mrs J. Sholl – demolish existing and erect replacement single-storey pitched-roof extension at rear with three rooflights (protected building) at Etheldra, 39, Mount Row.

Mr J. D. Guilbert – remove existing Juliet balconies and install new cantilevered balconies on north-east elevation at La Tour, 46, Domaine de Beauport, Hauteville.

Miss A. Haynes – alterations to existing ancillary accommodation above garage, install external spiral staircase and install gable window on north elevation at Vue du Lac, Becquet Road.

Miss A. Haynes – erect extension at rear of property to create utility room and form cloistered walkway (revised) at Vue du Lac, Becquet Road.


Mr and Mrs P. Corbet – erect an extension (north elevation) at Thornway, Les Grandes Rues.

Mr and Mrs A. Horsburgh-Porter – erect single-storey extension at rear with four rooflights and raised decking with steps. Replace six existing rooflights in dwelling with larger rooflights; install window in gable at front and replace existing door with window at Chatwall Barn, Rue du Pre.

Mr L. Watson – erect stable, remove section of hedging and bank to create access to field at rear of property at Les Mares, Rue des Mares.


Mr S. Walters and Ms A. McKane – demolish existing and erect replacement extension; replace existing rooflight with larger rooflight at rear. Replace existing dormer window at front with new dormer window; erect new porch and extend west boundary wall at front at Torrington Place, Nocq Road.

Mr B. Todd – remove wall and hedge to create additional parking area and erect new wall at front of property at Caislean Nua, Les Effards.

Cable & Wireless Guernsey – install a 10m-high lattice tower with three gsm antennas and two floodlights affixed and install support cabinet at Northerners Athletic Club, Le Grand Fort Road.

Mrs A. Castle – erect three dwellings with car parking; erect boundary retaining wall (west). Widen section of access road and re-surface with tarmacadam; create vehicular passing place and turning point at field adjacent to Greenways, Belgrave Lane.

Mr M. Heath – demolish existing extension, shed and greenhouse and erect two-storey replacement extension and erect a fence at rear (protected building) at Nelsonii, Longue Rue.


Mr D. Le Gallez – remove hedge, wall and earthbank along roadside boundary and erect new granite wall; remove hedge along driveway at Kandahar, Rue St Pierre.

Mr and Mrs R. H. Burton – enlarge existing flat-roof extension, install glass-pitched lantern and glazed gable, erect first-floor extension above lean-to extension and install two rooflights at rear at Le Briquet Farm, Rue des Prevosts.

Miss S. Hilton and Mr C. De Nobrega – install automated timber-clad entrance gate at The Barn, La Biloterie Road.


Mr R. Carlton – erect 11/2-storey extension to side of property, install two windows on north west elevation, one rooflight on north east elevation and dormer window on south west elevation at Patterdale, Rue des Villains.


Mr and Mrs P. Rolls – demolish greenhouse and erect summerhouse/gym with additional sleeping accommodation at Samui, Rue de Francais.

Mr D. Trustum and Mrs K. Gill – gravel driveway at Reason Cottage, Carriere Lane.

Mr and Mrs G. Trimbee-Laine – demolish existing and rebuild chimney stack at La Petite Chaumiere, La Rue du Passeur Road.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representation about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice. Applications are normally advertised in the Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays. Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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