Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 8 January, 2013

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Les Blanc Bois Ltd – erect a garage at Les Blanc Bois, Rue Cohu.

Mr R. Guille – erect two log cabins at Fauxquets Valley campsite (amenity area and lower field), Candie Road.

Mr P. Schreibke – erect shed at rear of property at La Vieille Rocquette, La Rocquette.

Mr and Mrs K. Brooks – extend dwelling at rear of garage on south elevation, install dormer window on front (west) elevation and remove existing chimney at Peak House, Retot Lane.

Premier Properties Ltd – erect temporary signage at The Pines, Cobo Coast Road.

Carterets Developments Ltd – alter and resurface vehicular access, resurface car parking area, create new public footpath and carry out landscaping at Hotel les Carterets, Rue de la Saline, Cobo.


Mr F. Whalley – demolish existing building and erect new building to operate as a food takeaway business at New Forest Chinese Take-Away, La Planque Lane.

Mr and Mrs O. Duquemin – demolish existing flat roof extension and extend to the rear with a double piled and flat roof extension at La Contree du Bourg, Vue de l'Eglise.


Mr and Mrs J. Halliday – erect lean-to extension to side and rear of property at Le Petit Courtil, La Grande Rue.

Mr and Mrs J. Nichols – demolish existing dwelling and erect a 1.5 storey dwelling at La Mignorette, Forest Road.

Mr and Mrs J. Osborn – erect a porch at Peony, 11, Oakmore Drive, Les Camps du Moulin.

Mr and Mrs Skillett – erect shed at The Little Cottage, Rue Jacques Guille.

Mr M. Ciotti – replace wooden windows with uPVC windows at Rose Cottage, Le Varclin.


Mayfield Investments Ltd – erect a sign to front (south) elevation of store at Guernsey Self Store, Pitronnerie Road.

J. Bragg and Sons Ltd – change of use of offices to a showroom and office and install a door to the rear at Arndale House, 32, St George's Esplanade.

Mr P. Briginshaw – re-slate roof, erect satellite dish and internal alterations (Protected Building) at 27, Les Canichers.

Kia Holdings Ltd – demolish existing and erect replacement office accommodation at The Elms, Doyle Street.

Mr S. Martin – erect a conservatory, a garden shed and change of use of outbuilding to a dwelling (retrospective) at La Retraite, Rue des Freres.

Joint Investment Properties Ltd – demolish existing dwelling and erect two semi-detached dwellings at The Bungalow, Brock Road.

Mr and Mrs D. Leale – replace existing flat roof to rear of property with lean-to slate roof, install two rooflights and internal alterations (Protected Building) at Sweet Pea Cottage, La Butte.

States of Guernsey Environment Department – install cast-iron street bollards at North Esplanade.

Octopus Ltd – install new window for basement in east boundary roadside wall at new site, Les Petites Fontaines.

Kings Property Ltd – remove two existing tennis courts and leylandii hedge and erect 13 apartments with underground car parking and construction of new roadway at Kings Club, Kings Road.

RCH Group – alterations to property – replace existing fire escape staircase, relocate existing fire escape and alter window openings at Les Cordeliers, Les Gravees.

Long House Developments Ltd – internal alterations (Protected Building) at 24, Fountain Street.

Long House Developments Ltd – convert third floor flat 3 (revised), enclose balcony at rear and install rooflights (options A1 and A2) and enlarge second-floor rear window (Protected Building) at 24, Fountain Street.

Mr C. Sheehan – erect signage at 4, The Albany, South Esplanade.

Mr A. Gill – replace three windows at front ground, first and second floors with wooden sash windows and replace three windows at rear with wooden windows (Protected Building) (retrospective) at 24, Mount Durand.

Ms H. Du Putron – erect conservatory on south side and alter access with splayed entrance and gate, off Prince Albert Road (Protected Building) at Manoir du Pierre Percee, Avenue du Manoir, Ville au Roi Estate.

Mr and Mrs Todd – variation of condition to allow the felling of one tree at Sainte Royale, Les Vardes.

Willbess Ltd – erect new two-storey extension on east elevation, demolish existing garage and erect new triple garage with ancillary habitable accommodation, install new dormer windows on north and south elevations, alter existing windows and doors and install swimming pool with associated works at Irwin Lodge, 123, Ruette Irwin, Fort George.


Mr M. Dunster – install drainage ditches to three fields at Les Hechots, Les Bertuelots, Pre de Jean de L'Isle, Rue de la Cache.

Mr J. Knight – extend and alter dwelling (Protected Building) at St Briocq, Rue de St Briocq.

Mr and Mrs R. Pugh – erect enclosed pool room extension and kitchen extension at Cote du Gains, Rue du Gains.


Miss E. Evans and Miss S. Bougourd – extend and alter dwelling – raise ridge height, demolish existing extension and erect new extension at rear of property at Armani, Nocq Road.

Mr J. Moriarty – erect extension at rear of property, alter fenestration, widen driveway and extend boundary fence at The Glen, Rue Jacques.

Health and Social Services Department – demolish existing dwelling and construct six flats and one sheltered housing unit with communal facilities at The Oaks, Baubigny Road.

Mr and Mrs K. Le Patourel – erect attached double garage to new dwelling at Casero, Les Grandes Capelles Lane.


Bruce Russell and Son (Gold and Silversmiths) – erect first-floor workshop extension over existing showroom. Construct disabled access ramp to first-floor office and block up ground-floor window (south-east elevation). Demolish sheds and garage, create new parking area and erect wall and install gates at Bruce Russell and Son (Gold and Silversmiths), Le Gron.

Zion Christian Fellowship – remove existing doors and install replacement aluminium doors on north and south elevation at Zion Christian Fellowship, Route des Bordages.

Mr and Mrs G. Gavey – extend domestic curtilage at Canon Hall, Route des Clos Landais.


Mr and Mrs R. A. B. Lovering – enlarge existing driveway at La Roche Douvre, Rue de la Folie.

Mr and Mrs C. Le Pelley – demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling. Erect a two-storey detached garage and store. Extend domestic curtilage to south-west, remove existing hedge and form earthbank at new boundary at La Mare, Rue du Banquet.


Mr B. Robinson – extend boundary wall on south (retrospective) and alterations to west and east walls of vinery at Bordeaux Vinery, Les Petils.

Directors of Sarnia Properties – install mezzanine floors and carry out internal alterations (including new staircases), install high-level glazing at western end, remove water tank from tower and re-roof, alter flank walls to access, remove debris and remnants of external stair and platform (Protected Building) and erect fence at Unit 8, Sarnia Properties, North Side.

Guernsey Electricity Ltd – demolish existing dwellings, level site and erect temporary timber boundary fencing at Vale Avenue Cottages, Vale Avenue.

Mr and Mrs D. Lacey – demolish garage and shed, erect two-storey extension to side and flat roof extension to rear of property, erect garage and widen existing gateway at Hazeleigh, Rue des Haizes.

Mr and Mrs L. R. Gaudion – demolish existing conservatory and erect extension at Apollonia, Rue de Haut.

Mr and Mrs A. Martel – demolish shed, erect rear extension with lantern light, install four replacement rooflights to the front and two dormers and two rooflights to the rear and internal alterations (Protected Building) at Kilvey, Rue des Annevilles.

Mr R. Cameron – remove garage door and install window at Spion Kop, The Palms, Portinfer Road.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the notice.

Applications are normally reported in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this might appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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