Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 9 April, 2013

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr P. Gouveia – variations to works previously approved to demolish dwelling and erect replacement. Extend single storey extension to the south, alterations to window on south gable and install rooflight on west elevation at Billys Farm, Rue de la Ronde Cheminee.

Ms S. Melrose – erect sun lounge and porch on south of dwelling at Beach House, Les Carterets Mews, Cobo.


Mr and Mrs H. Sarre – erect single storey extension with roof lantern (east elevation) and reposition boiler at Hilmil, Route de la Croix au Bailiff.

Mr and Mrs S. Ozanne – erect single storey flat roof extension at rear of dwelling, install two rooflights on front and one rooflight on rear of dwelling at Willows, La Frairie, Rue Frairies.

Mr G. Beck – remove three pine trees at Mafeking, Rue des Buttes.


Mr J. Ede-Golightly – replace garden wall, and extend the wall to replace hedge at Bluebell Cottage, La Route de Sausmarez.

Mr and Mrs J. Robilliard – variation to works previously approved – erect single storey extension and install two rooflights to side (east) of property. Install double doors with external staircase and remove exiting window and door and install new window to rear north at Pointe du Jour, Les Mourants.

Mr and Mrs R. Hamon – remove leylandii trees at La Chasse, Longtrac.

Mr A. Dempster – demolish existing and erect replacement shed at Bonheur, Rue des Marettes.


Mr D. Marriott and Miss A. Doel – demolish existing and erect a two storey extension (rear/west elevation) at 1, Old Farm, Rouge Rue.

Mr G. Mallett – install support plates on front elevation of dwelling (protected building) at Lydia Place, Les Amballes.

The Bursar – erect first floor extension on west wing at Elizabeth College, Grange Road.

JoJo Maman Bebe Ltd – display shop sign and number and carry out internal alterations (protected building) at 30, High Street.

Bant Holdings Ltd – alterations to rear external fire escape staircase at Itex House, La Gibauderie.

Grayhaven Ltd – demolish dwelling and erect four flats at Greenoak, Collings Road.

Kane (Guernsey) Ltd – erect pole mounted sign (protected building) at Noble House, Queen's Road.

Mr J. A. Richardson – install solar panels on south elevation roof slope at 1, Providence Place, Ruettes Brayes.

Mr and Ms N. Marquis – demolish part of outbuilding and erect single storey extension to rear (north) elevation at La Pouquelaye, 10, Croutes Havilland.

Vista Hotels Ltd – infill existing first floor balcony to rear to create additional floorspace to restaurant at The Venue at Fermain Valley, Fort Road.

Vista Hotels Ltd – install glazed lobby to front of building and install new steps with balustrading and pillars at The Venue at Fermain Valley, Fort Road.


Mr A. and Mrs S. Mason – extend and alter dwelling on north, east and west elevations, create balcony on north elevation, erect garage, alter captain's window and install new door and window on south elevation at Richmond House, Les Bas Courtils Road.

Cams Hire Ltd – change of use from storage/distribution to tool and plant hire at former Alderney Shipping depot, Bulwer Avenue.

Port Services Ltd – alterations to building including remove cladding and install profiled cladding in painted steel, translucent panels and new concrete plinths. Install seven 1m.-high bollards at Port Services, Bulwer Avenue.

Guernsey Recycling (1996) Ltd – extend use of the site to include use class 42 at Guernsey Recycling (1996) Ltd, Mont Crevelt Road.

DHT Ltd – demolish dwelling and erect five attached 2.5 storey dwellings at Kathlyn, Lowlands Road.

Mr and Mrs B. Klement – erect flat roof extension on rear (north) elevation at Dieu Mon Abri, Roland Road.

Mr and Mrs C. Setters – erect 1.5 storey pitched roof extension over flat roof to rear (north-west elevation), alter roof of existing conservatory and install lantern light and rooflights at 4, Delancey Cottages, Delancey Lane.

Mr and Mrs Sparkes – erect garage to rear (revised) – increase pitch of garage roof and install two rooflights (setting of protected building) at Les Martins Villa, Les Martins.

Mr A. Ayres – demolish water tower and extension and extend and alter dwelling on south-west elevation. Install three dormer windows to front and two dormer windows to rear at Pulias Cottage, Route de Pulias.


Vaux des Issues Ltd – install four solar panels at Chez Le Bois, Rue des Issues.

Advocate and Mrs M. Ferbrache – variation to works previously approved – increase size of extension to garage and increase ridge height and install additional window to rear ground floor level at La Neuve Charterie, Le Frie au Four.

Mr and Mrs J. Luff – demolish flat roof extension and erect replacement flat at rear, install two rooflights at front and two windows on side of property at Le Neuve Maison Cottage, Rue de la Neuve Maison.


Mr M. Neville and Ms K. Nicolle – variation to plans previously approved to raise ridge height and install dormer window to front roof slope, demolish existing flat roof extensions and extend to rear with 1.5 storey storey pitched roof – increase size of extension at Les Etournes, Rue Robin.

Ms R. Falla – erect garden room at rear of dwelling at Belvoir Cottage, La Mazotte.

Mr and Mrs N. Gregg – demolish existing and erect replacement extension, install a dormer window to the front of the dwelling and erect a garage at Bian V'Nu, La Garenne Road.

Mr S. J. and Mrs C. Bloese – re-roof south elevation (front) of dwelling (protected building) at Les Landes Cottage, Route des Landes.

Mr J. Bewey – extend garage and construct first floor extension above garage at Ommadawn, Rue Colin.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.

Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this publication could occur before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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