Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 23 April, 2013

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr and Mrs D. Montgomery – demolish section of outbuilding and erect new extension to create additional ancillary habitable accommodation at Albecq Lodge, La Giffardiere.

Mr Le Ray and Miss Randle – install rooflight on west elevation at L'Abri des Arbres, Saumarez Lane.


Mrs H. Brock – renew hoggin access way in field adjacent to La Corbiere Farm, Rue de la Corbiere.

Mr Bertrand – replace conservatory with flat-roofed extension and roof lantern, erect new extension and toilet and remove chimney at La Rocquette, Rue de Manoir.

States of Guernsey Airport – fell leylandii trees and plant replacement trees and hedging.


Mr and Mrs J. S. Campbell – erect garage to side (west) of property at La Ronce, Les Poidevins.

Mr M. Frost – erect timber balustrade along east side of garage at Las Vegas – Hold Em High, Le Vauquiedor.

Mr B. D. Tostevin – change of use of packing shed to builder's store at Merton Vinery, Rue des Pointes.

Mr and Mrs Bridgeman – erect a single-storey flat roof extension with lantern light (rear elevation), install two 'dog kennel' dormer windows and one 'captain's' dormer window (front elevation) and install a rooflight (rear elevation) at Courtil Naftiaux, Rue des Naftiaux.


Mr and Mrs D. Mcgall – extend dwelling at first floor level to incorporate balcony (south elevation) and a roof terrace (east elevation), alter windows and doors and erect porch (north elevation) at Merewood, La Route des Cornus.

Mr and Mrs S. Orchard – install two rooflights to the front and one catslide dormer and rooflight to the rear at Nakuru, Steam Mill Lane.

Mr P. Freeman – convert and extend underground water storage reservoir to create archive storage, car park and roof garden at The Mill, Steam Mill Lane.

Mr and Mrs D. Girard – raise ridge height to provide habitable accommodation, demolish rear extension and construct one-and-a-half storey extension. Install two dormer windows to front, alter size and position of northwest gable window and erect garage/store to side (southeast) at Kempsey, Les Vaurioufs.

Mr K. Tang – erection of outbuilding (store, workshop, studio), (revised) at A La Ronde, Bon Port.

M. and J. Holdings Ltd – erect retaining wall to side of building at Blanchelande Park, Le Rocher Road.


JT – install two external air conditioning grilles and extend 'POP' room through the change of use of part of an office at Annex 3, St George's Place, St George's Esplanade.

Mr C. D. Jeffreys – replace windows and doors with new uPvc windows and doors at Le Coin, 1, Les Cotils Lane.

Boots – reconstruction of two chimneys and external walling and repairs to roof (protected building) at Boots, 47-49 High Street.

Ms C. Heaume – internal alterations, add tanking to basement and block window (protected building) at Hillstead, Candie Road.

Manor Place Ltd – change of use of ground floor from administrative office (use class 22) to office for visiting members of the public (use class 21), (protected building) at 1 and 2, Manor Place.

Mrs V. Da Silva – demolish shed and erect a shed and lean-to enclosure (retrospective) at 3, Havilland Street.

Mr P. Le Prevost – remove parapet on single storey side extension (east elevation) at Hestia, La Gibauderie.

Oakdene Properties Ltd – demolish dwelling and erect two dwellings at Entre Deux, La Gibauderie.

Ms Hyde – remove existing and erect replacement hedge or fence along south boundary at Notre Demeure, La Neuve Rue.

Mr M. Didcott – change of use to administrative, financial and professional services (use class 21) at 2-3, Mansell Court.

Mr N. Davey – remove hedges and replace with block built walls on east and west side of front drive at Macquarie, Rohais.

Mr and Mrs A. Laws – remove part of walls and hedge and widen vehicular access, erect pillars and install timber gates to front of property. Remove fence and erect new boundary wall along east boundary at Driftwood, Rue de Putron.

Culture and Leisure Department – create paved area at front entrance – install nine granite troughs, information boards, up-lights, 20 seats and receiving point for flagpole at Guernsey Information Centre, North Plantation, North Esplanade.


The Rev. and Mrs R. Bellinger – erect extension to rear of dwelling at La Maison des Vinaires, Rue des Vinaires.

Mr P. White, Mrs B. Mason and Miss M. White – demolish greenhouse and garage, erect pitched roof extension with balcony (south-east elevation), erect pitched roof garage (south-west elevation), install dormer windows and demolish existing chimneys at Les Sages, La Route des Coutures.


Mr D. Martel and Miss S. Renouf – remove fence and create hard surface area to front of property to form parking area at 7, Marais Rise, Les Banques.

Lloyds Banking Group – erect replacement signage to front of building including two illuminated projecting signs at Lloyds Bank, The Bridge.

Mr and Mrs S. Robert – extend and remodel garage and create first floor games room and hobby room and ground floor mower store (revised) at Kel-Rik, La Route du Braye.

Mr A. Harris – install a swimming pool enclosure at Derryvale, Les Salines Road.

Mr P. D. Bourgaize and Miss N. C. Cloarec – erect a detached garage with first floor storage (options one, two and three) at Rose Cottage, Les Petites Mielles.

Mr and Mrs M. Desforges – erect extension to side of dwelling (protected building) at Roque Noire, Sandy Lane, L'Islet.


Mr T. Queripel – extend domestic curtilage (retrospective) and install external staircase at rear of property at Mon Desire, Rue du Rocher.


Malachi Ltd – demolish section of flat roof extension to increase width of access, demolish garage and outbuilding and remove section of hedge to create parking area to rear of property at The Bed Shop and Pont Allaire House, L'Ancresse Road.

Mrs S. Remfrey – extend outbuilding at Pres de Pepiniere, 2, Ville Baudu.

Miss E. Wild and Mr T. Leightley – erect extension on south and west elevations (protected building) at Mai Pen Rai, Les Mielles Road.

Mr and Mrs D. Allison – erect replacement shed to rear of property at The Old Cottage, Les Mielles Road.

Mr and Mrs W. Gardiner – demolish porch and erect replacement porch/extension at The Croft, The Doyle, L'Ancresse.

Mr R. Carlton – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling at Dunkirk, Route du Port Grat.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the notice.

Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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