Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 21 May, 2013

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mrs Buckingham – demolish section of existing shed and erect new gable, erect garage and car port, remove raised ground level to create extended driveway at St Christopher, Rue du Dos d'Ane.

Mr S. Tallon – install double doors to south gable end of dwelling at Beau Regard, Le Gele Road.

Les Pelleys Ltd – install lead-clad link with glazed lantern at second-floor level at Les Pelleys, Rue des Vallees.

Snowdrop Ltd – erect single-storey extension, install two dormer windows and alter fenestration to rear (west) elevation. Install three dormer windows to front (east), erect flat roof canopy to side (north) and increase size of first-floor window on both north and south elevation at La Porte, Rue de la Porte.

Mr and Mrs J. De La Mare – extend dwelling on west elevation, demolish existing flat roof extension and erect new flat roof extensions at ground-floor level on south elevation and erect a wall at Karise, Mont d'Aval.

Mr and Mrs P. Baldock – erect flat roof extension to the north elevation and apply external insulation at Chez Nous, Route de la Mare.

Mr and Mrs S. Hutchison – raise ridge height of garage, extend, install rooflight in south elevation and block up garage door, construct a chimney stack on dwelling at Almira, Les Queritez.

Guernsey Sports Commission – remove or vary Conditions 4 and 7 of planning permission (FULL/2012/1779) to construct multi-use games area, which restrict hours of use and require acoustic fencing at KGV, Rue Cohu.


The National Trust of Guernsey – install oil tank at side (south) at Les Caches Farm, Les Villets.


Mr B. Holland and Mrs M. Sangan – demolish existing conservatory and erect single-storey flat roof extension at rear and replacement porch at front of dwelling, install and alter fenestration and demolish chimney stack at Jumeriah, Rue des Pointes.

Mr J. Brehaut – erect a shed (retrospective) at Vauquiedor Cottage, Le Vauquiedor.


Mr and Mrs D. Walker – demolish existing kitchen extension and extend dwelling to rear; flat roof extensions with lantern lights at Quatre Saisons, Rue Poudreuse.

Ms W. Lewis – variations to previously approved works to demolish garage and erect two storey extension – install first-floor window, doors and Juliet balcony at rear and high-level window at side (north) at Amberley, Les Frieteaux.

Mr D. C. H. Whitworth – fell two trees at Les Rebouquets de Bas, Les Rebouquets.

TDM Developments Ltd – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling at Rockcliffe, Rue de la Falaise.

Mr C. Roberts and Miss R. Baker – remove chimney stacks and replace existing windows with uPVC windows at Northermine, Forest Road.

Mr and Mrs R. Sinclair – reroof existing lean-to at rear with Welsh slate – protected building, at Les Profonds Camps, Rue Motet.

Mr and Mrs D. Grimshaw – erect revised timber entrance canopy to front of property, remove hedge (retrospectively) and erect boundary wall to side at Les Vents Doux, Jerbourg Road.


Advocate and Mrs P. Richardson – demolish existing lean-to conservatory and extend to rear (lower-ground-floor level) with terrace above (upper-ground-floor level) and install door and steps at Mount Vernon, Doyle Road.

Mr D. Brett – block up door opening at rear, re-clad flat roof and replace existing conservatory with new (protected building) at 1, Columbia Terrace, Brock Road.

Mr and Mrs R. J. Alford – demolish existing separate accommodation to the rear of the main dwelling and erect two replacement residential units at Choisi, 2, Les Gravees.

Mr T. J. and Mrs C. Loveridge – demolish flat roof extension, erect new extension with two lantern lights and reposition entrance gate and shed to west at Le Reposoir, Brock Road.

Mr and Mrs G. White – replace wooden windows with uPVC windows at 2, La Roussaillerie, La Ramee.

Mr R. H. Huddle – erect a dwelling at Huddleston, Victoria Road.

Mr G. J. Hall – erect railings along west boundary at front – protected building at 5, Brock Terrace, The Grange.

Ms A. Thompson – change of use of shop to a creche or children's day nursery (Use Class 24). Demolish existing lean-to at rear at Ray Lowe Paint Shop, Rohais.

Mr P. Chesworth – replace existing window at ground floor level with patio doors, install lantern light in flat roof extension to rear; remove existing side door and install new window at Bourton House, Rohais.

Unit Holdings Ltd – convert existing offices into two flats and replace door on north elevation with window at The Trinity Square Centre, Trinity Square.

Mr A. Walters – install balcony, remove windows and install sliding/folding doors at first floor level (rear elevation). Install replacement door (front elevation) at 42, Domaine de Beauport, Hauteville.

Ms D. Dawe – re-render north-east exterior wall of dwelling/studio at 68, Hauteville.

Primrose Trust Ltd – replace sections of existing boundary hedge either side of vehicular entrance with granite walls; install wooden pedestrian gate in north wall at 36, Rue de la Douzaine, Fort George.

Miss S. Scott – construct a porch; erect granite wall with timber sliding entrance gate and rearrange steps. Install patio doors at front and rear and bi-folding doors to south east elevation at La Baumette, Clos de Belvedere, Fort George.


Mr and Mrs P. James – install gates (protected building) at Les Sages Villa, Route des Sages.


Mr M. Brackley – erect a dower unit, extend dwelling at first-floor level (side elevation), demolish existing sheds and greenhouse and erect shed and create additional parking. Erect fencing and fell tree at Ravenoak, La Petite Sandre, Robergerie Road.

Mr and Mrs I. Mould – erect ground-floor extension to the front, side and rear and alterations to fenestration at first-floor level and remove chimney at Les Sapins, Rue Jacques.

Mr M. Corr – erect a milking parlour at The Vinery, Les Basses Capelles Road.

Mr A. Ayres – install a captain's dormer window on front roof plane at Seaways, Route de Port Grat.


Dr and Mrs C. McClymont – erect post and rail fence and gate, construct earthbank – retrospective, at Fieldfare (Les Merez Vinery), Ruette des Merez.

Mr and Mrs G. Allez – sub-divide existing dwelling into two residential units at Patris, Route de la Marette, Richmond.

Mr and Mrs G. Allez – remove sheds at side (north east) and erect single storey garage extension with roof lantern and paved area; install window and relocate oil tank at Patris, Route de la Marette, Richmond.


Mr and Mrs Mahieu – replace garage door with window at front at Les Quatres de Nous, Grande Rue.

Mr and Mrs P. Le Page – remove curved roadside wall to relocate vehicular entrance and replace garden wall with sliding gate to create additional parking area at Sunset Hills, Rue des Petites Hougues, Bordeaux.

New Way (Fabrications) Ltd – erect signage on granite wall at Les Monmains.

Mr and Mrs de Carteret – installation of rooflights (rear) at Shemariah, Braye Road.

Mr D. Hubert – install six solar panels to south facing roof plane (protected building) at Belval, Belval Road.

Mr and Mrs D. Bradshaw – alterations to existing vehicular access (protected building) at Sohier Villa, Sohier Road.

Mr and Mrs P. Grove – demolish existing single storey extension and construct two storey extension, install two rooflights and glazed panel to side of property (north elevation) (revised scheme) at Le Petit Arc-En-Ciel, La Rue du Passeur Road.

Mr and Mrs C. Falla – install dormer window at rear at Noonawara, Rue des Arbres, Les Prins.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by Site Notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the Site Notice.

Applications are normally advertised in the Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the Site Notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public Tribunal Hearing.

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