Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 28 May, 2013

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr M. Ferbrache and Miss C. Power – remove existing hedge, erect a retaining wall and plant new hedge (side/north boundary) at Hillcrest, Rue de la Perruque.

Mr and Mrs M. Martin – demolish existing garage, wall and fence and erect new extension on south elevation with glazed link at ground-floor level at Les Chouettes, Rue de la Cache.

Mr and Mrs J. Stone – replace decking; replace balustrading with stainless-steel stanchions and handrails with glazed inserts at Le Courtil A Gots, La Rue de la Porte.

Mr and Mrs C. Davison – erect single-storey extension at side (northwest elevation) at White Horses, Clos du Cordage, Route du Tertre.

Mertons Ltd – erect stables at rear at Mertons, Rue Cohu.

Mr and Mrs G. Jones – demolish existing and erect replacement conservatory (rear) at La Mistral, Clos des Mielles, La Route de la Mare de Carteret.


TDM Developments Ltd – extend and convert dwelling into five flats with associated amenity and car parking spaces at Le Petit Bigard, Rue du Manoir.

Mr and Mrs M. Freeman – construct chimney on east elevation at Le Bourg de Haut, Le Bourg.


Mr and Mrs P. Lund – demolish existing conservatory and erect replacement extension with balcony and erect two-storey extension (rear) at Whincroft, Route de la Croix au Bailiff.

Mr N. Moore and Miss N. Walsh – demolish existing conservatory and wall; erect link extension at rear and alter existing outbuilding and Willow Cottage, La Rue des Pointes.

Mr and Mrs R. Michel – demolish existing and erect replacement 1.5-storey oak-framed garage at rear at Avalon, Rue des Huriaux.

Mr and Mrs M. J. Le Tocq – erect a summerhouse at Lynwood, Rue Marquand.


Mr and Mrs M. Clarke – alterations to existing windows (south and east elevations) at Les Preaux, Les Maindonaux.

ComProp – Les Bourgs Hospice – change of use of a former car showroom building to Les Bourgs shop and storage and sorting depot (retail use class 14 and storage/distribution use class 30) at former Jackson's Garage, La Grande Rue.

Ms J. Barnicoat – erect 1.5-storey extension with glazed link and conservatory, form cutting into cliff to west of dwelling at Pinyoun Cottage, Havilland Vale.

Mr T. Hamon and Miss R. Dyke – construct a single-storey extension to the southwest side elevation at Valhalla, Les Traudes.

Mr and Mrs S. Spindlow – extend garage at side at Otterington, Rue Cauchez.

Mr D. Kilminster – remove chimney at rear at Rothesay, La Rue des Frenes.


CSL House Ltd – block up windows above entrance and install sign; install windows either side of entrance doors and apply render to front; erect wall to block up vehicular entrance and create additional car parking spaces at CSL House, Pitronnerie Road.

States Property Services – carry out stabilisation and protection works at north and east rock face boundaries at Fort Arrivee, adjacent to Jardin de Haut Estate.

Mr A. Levin and Miss T. Williamson – erect first-floor extension at side of property at Flat 2, Holdenhurst, Le Grand Bouet.

Mr and Mrs G. Mallett – demolish existing building and erect two dwellings at Messy Monsters Pre-School, Well Road.

Mr K. Trapp – install stainless steel and wire balustrading (front and side/southwest elevations) at Bellevale, 6, Bruce Lane.

Mr S. Martin – erect extension to rear (north) or property and install new window on west elevation. Remove existing glazed roof on conservatory and replace with flat roof and erect timber fence along west boundary at La Retraite, Rue des Freres.

Guernsey Water – erect two antennas within turret and install receiver/transmitter (protected monument) at Victoria Tower Monument, Arsenal Road.

St Peter Port Constables – install handrails at top and bottom of steps (south walls) at Pier Steps.

Long House Developments Ltd – replace existing shop front signage board with new (protected building) at 24, Fountain Street.

Mr M. Hadley – install replacement windows (all elevations) at 18, Cornet Street.

Mr and Mrs F. Hervouet – re-slate main roof, re-roof and re-slate dormers; repair chimneystacks; replace garage door (protected building) at Ross Villa, 29, Mount Row.

Belvedere Holdings Ltd – variations to plans previously approved to convert existing three apartments to one dwelling, demolish existing extensions and erect first-floor extensions on southeast and northwest elevations, erect glazed lean-to at rear and install terraces at rear (northeast) and to side (southeast) with garage below and alter driveway (protected building) at Belvedere House, Rue de Belvedere,

Fort George.


Mr A. H. Brouard – erect wall at front of dwelling at La Collette, Rue des Brehauts.


Mr M. J. and Mrs T. E. Smith – erect a shed and install gates (retrospective) on land off Rue des Pointes Rocques.

Mr S. Dodsworth and Ms K. Tardiff – install dormer window at rear and rooflight at front at Baan Sabai, Vale Road.

Mr and Mrs Kennedy Cook – construct flat-roof extension at Vue de la Colline, St Clair Estate, St Clair Hill.

Mr and Mrs R. Bushby – demolish section of wall to widen existing vehicular access and create additional parking area, including covering of douit at Endlich, Route Militaire.

Mr and Mrs M. Gaudion – erect extension to side (northeast) of property at White Chimneys, Courtil de Bas Lane.

Mr G. Allez – demolish outbuildings and erect garage with store above; replace fence along east boundary with wall at site adjacent to Shalom, Les

Tracheries Road.


Mr C. Cook – replace all wooden windows with uPVC windows at Mon Abri, Le Gron.

Specsavers Optical Group Ltd – replace entrance doors and glazing with new; apply glazed infills to hand rails and granite slips to steps at Specsavers Headquarters, La Villiaze Road.


Rector and churchwardens of Torteval – create pedestrian gateway in southern corner of field adjacent to church hall at field adjacent to church hall, Route de Pleinmont.

Mr and Mrs P. Preston – variations to works previously approved, demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling – extend first-floor balcony at Highbury, Le Clos.

Niriel Properties Ltd – erect infill extensions at side (south elevation) and rear at Ocean View, Rue du Rocher.

Guernsey Museums and Galleries – install an interpretation board at car park at La Rue du Chemin Le Roi.


Rock Commercial Ltd – demolish existing and erect new dwelling at La Platte, Rue des Bordeaux.

Mr C. Wilson – erect a garage with store on land adjacent to rear garden of dwelling and relocate fencing on land adjacent to rear garden of Little Bay, La Grande Rue.

Mr and Mrs A. Coquelin – demolish existing extension at side (east elevation) and erect two-storey extension at Gramercy, Les Landes.

Mr and Mrs C. Bentley – erect single-storey extension with two roof lanterns at rear at Oasis, Rue des Landes.

Mr and Mrs G. Glass – demolish rear porch; erect one-and-a-half storey lean-to extension and single-storey, flat-roof extension to the rear (protected building) at La Moye Villa, La Moye.

Mr and Mrs G. Bates – alteration to access, demolish wall to widen access at Madison, The Doyle.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by Site Notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the Site Notice.

Applications are normally advertised in the Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the Site Notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public Tribunal Hearing.

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