Planning applications - 17 November, 2015
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Heirs of the late L. A. Moullin - demolish existing and erect a replacement dwelling and removal of a section of hedge to the front of the property at La Garenne, Les Queritez.
Mrs G. Le Roy - installation of defibrillator cabinet and signage on east elevation of building at Co-op Locale, Vazon, Rue des Goddards.
Mr J. G. Beveridge - install replacement windows and doors at Lomond, La Banquette, Albecq.
Mr and Mrs J. Nobes - alter fenestration (protected building) at Nantucket, Rue de la Villiaze.
Mr B. Norman - erect single storey extension at rear of dwelling at Favonius, Vue de l'Eglise.
Mr and Mrs P. Chanter - raise roof height of flat roof extension to rear of dwelling and install new window and doors on side (northwest) elevation of rear extension at L'Ensoleilee, 2, Tremel Cottages, La Grande Rue.
Jacksons CI - display four directional signs together with signs in car park at Grande Rue Business Park, Grande Rue.
Mr and Mrs R. Berry - install flue to rear of dwelling at The Meadows, Les Traudes.
Black Rock Fitness Ltd - change of use from storage and distribution to public amenity use class 29 (use as a gymnasium and fitness centre) at warehouses B and C, Les Huriaux Farm, Les Huriaux Road.
Mr B. Sparrow and Miss S. Lucas - replacement roof, alterations to dormer (from flat roof to catslide) (rear elevation) at The Crow's Nest, Rue des Marettes.
Mr T. Eisenhuth - install air source heat pump to side (southeast elevation) and erect acoustic fencing along north boundary at Vue Du Port, Jerbourg Road.
Mr and Mrs T. J. Maclure - remove existing hedge to front of dwelling at Dean House, La Route de Blanches.
Constables of St Martin's - construct path between Saints Harbour Road and Saints Bay (slipway) at Saints Bay Road.
Fuller Group Ltd - change of use from disaster recovery to light industrial use class 37, and alterations (revised) at Unit 10, Route de la Garenne, Pitronnerie Road.
Mr and Mrs P. Bugden -alter conservatory to sun lounge, alter fenestration (east elevation), erect replacement outbuilding and extend parking area at Sheraton House, Maurepas Road.
Mr D. Drummy and Miss K. Robert - remove section of boundary wall and create vehicular access and parking area, erect retaining wall at Northcote, Rocquettes Lane.
A. C. Mauger Construction - fell three trees (southwest and southeast boundaries) at Children's Nursery, Osmond Priaulx Memorial Fields, Footes Lane.
Ms G. Le Roy - installation of defibrillator cabinet and signage (front entrance) at Grand Marche, The Market Building, Market Square.
Mr R. Harper - remove hedge and section of wall to create parking area and erect new low wall or fence at Sous Croute, Havilland Vale.
Mr and Mrs T. Kelham - erect a canopy at Albatross, York Way, Fort George.
Mrs G. Le Roy - install defibrillator cabinet and erect signage on wall at Bathing Pools, La Vallette.
RDC Ltd - erect flat roof garage extension to side and rear of dwelling and change of use of dwelling from residential use class one to residential use class four (part retrospective) at Treyarnon, Rue de la Pomare.
Mr R. A. and Mrs J. L. Gill - erect infill extension at rear of dwelling, demolish chimney, install additional windows and folding doors on south and east elevations at Le Cochon Bleu, Route des Petites Capelles.
La Grande Lande Residential Home - demolish existing sheds and outbuildings and extend and alter residential home (west elevation), install balustrading, construct concrete ramp and alter land levels (renewal) at La Grande Lande Residential Home, Les Buttes.
Mr and Mrs D. Smith - variations to plans previously approved to erect extension to rear and front of dwelling, create balconies and dormer windows on first and second floors (rear), erect alternative front porch at the Hawthorns, Rue des Choffins.
L. G. F. Holdings Ltd - demolish existing dwelling and erect a replacement at La Grande Flaguee, Vieille Rue.
Mrs J. A. Lowe and Mr R. A. Corbin - widen existing vehicular access, create additional parking area to front of dwelling, erect retaining walls and steps and infill land at rear of property at Fleur Michelle, Les Laurens.
Mr and Mrs C. Ward - extend domestic curtilage, erect outbuilding and shed, lay hard surfacing and construct retaining walls (retrospective) at Petit Chinon, Rue de la Rocque.
States Works - install door and window on north elevation of workshop at States Works, La Hure Mare Road.
Mr R. Lowe - retain temporary hard surfacing for parking and turning of vehicles and storage of equipment associated with adjoining event hire business at Events House (Le Va), Braye Road.
Mr and Mrs Smith - demolish existing and erect replacement shed to rear of property (retrospective) at Saska, Rue du Tertre.
Mr S. Green - remove a poplar tree and lop hornbeam trees (south boundary) at La Prima, La Mares Pellees.
Mr and Mrs T. Marshall - extend and alter dwelling, including
raise ridge height and install dormer windows (south elevation) and rooflights (north elevation),
install pitched roof over existing flat roof, erect porch and alter fenestration at The Seasons, Route des Landes.
Mr and Mrs Hartley - erect extension to north elevation of garage at Rum Doodle, Route des Landes.
Mr R. and Mrs A. M. Saunders - extend domestic curtilage, demolish sheds, remove hedging and construct earth banks at White Gables, Rue Maingy.
It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.
Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.