Planning applications - 20 September, 2016
Applications to the Development and Planning Authority, as published in the Guernsey Press.

Mr T. Spafford – erect single storey extension at rear of dwelling (protected building) at Kings Mills House, Kings Mills Road.
Mrs P. Fernando – remove hedge and erect a 3ft fence and 1ft trellis above at Charente, Rue du Gele.
Mr J. Homer and Ms P. Hill – install replacement windows and doors at The Lodge, Les Querites.
Mr and Mrs P. Brierley – variations to works previously approved – alterations to windows, roof lanterns, doors, roof and driveway (protected building) at Maison Varendes, Rue des Varendes.
St John's Residential Home – increase size of two parking spaces by removing section of garden and installing tarmac (retrospective) at St John's Residential Home, Route de Saumarez, Saumarez Park.
Mr and Mrs M. J. Hamon – retain mobile kiosk on site for a further temporary period at Cobo car park, Rue de la Saline.
Mr and Mrs J. Collins – sub-divide to two houses, demolish lean-to extension and erect flat roof extension (south elevation), erect porch (east elevation) and alter fenestration (north, south and west elevations) at Vaux Douit, Foulon Road.
Ms C. Mason – install access ramp and erect a timber pergola (north elevation) at St Martin's Primary School, School Lane.
Mr T. Heyworth – erect extension at side of existing garage at Coonawarra, 37, Balmoral, La Vrangue.
Fuller Group – erect ground floor extension on east elevation to Flat 7 and replace windows and door to west wing at The Villa, Grange Road.
Mr and Mrs Haskins – erect first floor extension over store and convert to residential dwelling at 18, Le Bordage.
Mr and Mrs J. Pentland – erect a 4.3m high flue and install infill panels on side/north elevation of dwelling at Cedar Tops, Avenue Beauvais.
Mr and Mrs Moore – variation to plans previously approved to erect a four-bay-garage – position garage closer to east site boundary at Cote des Vardes, Montville Road.
Mr R. Carlton – erect a garage attached to east elevation of dwelling at Maison de la Cote, Fort Road.
Mr C. Bridle and Ms S. Sebire – erect a lean-to conservatory (south-east elevation) at San Michele, Route de Longfrie.
Mr B. Anthony – replace conservatory roof with tiled solid roof and install two rooflights at La Vieille Corderie, Rue St Pierre.
Mr G. Ryde – remove hedge and plant replacement (front boundary) at Misty Meadow, Rue de L'Aitte.
Mr and Mrs M. J. Hamon – retain mobile kiosk on site for a further temporary period at coastal car park, Route de la Rocque Poisson, L'Eree.
Mr and Mrs J. Tardif – erect single storey flat roof extension on rear (north east) elevation at Son Bou, Longue Hougue Lane.
Mr R. Ellis – remove hedging at side of dwelling at Ladell, Sandy Lane, L'Islet.
Isabelle Vets – install an air source heat pump at L'Islet Motors, Les Tracheries Road.
Mr and Mrs Large - install replacement windows and doors in dwelling at Le Cordonnier, Rue des Villains.
Mr and Mrs D. Wallbridge – replace gravel areas in front garden with Tarmac (protected building) at Millstone Cottage, La Grande Rue.
Mr and Mrs M. J. Hamon – retain mobile kiosk on site for a further temporary period at car park opposite Rue du Marais, L'Ancresse Common.
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection at the auhtority's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the authority and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.
Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.