Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 4 April, 2017

Applications to the Development and Planning Authority, as published in the Guernsey Press.



Westward Investments Ltd – erect extension to south/east elevation of pro shop, alterations to fenestration and install parking bollards in front of walkway at La Grande Mare Hotel Golf and Country Club, Vazon.

Chaumiere Homes Ltd – modify and enlarge hard standing area to create parking spaces for units 14-22 at La Chaumiere, Rue Piette.

Education Services – demolish outbuilding and erect new shed, remove roadside vehicle gate and install new gates and fencing at Castel School playing field (west), Rue St Germain.

Mr and Mrs J. Duguid – install a flue on west roofslope and remove and infill existing door and window on north elevation at Herston, Route de Carteret.


Mr and Mrs C. Goldsbrough – extend garage to west by 2m (retrospective) at Courtils a l'Or, Rue de la Cache.

MDB Holdings Ltd – alter and convert outbuilding to form a separate residential unit at Maison de Bas, Route de la Croix au Bailiff.

Mr and Mrs Starr – erect 1.5 storey pitched roof extension to side (west) elevation, erect first floor extension to rear (north) elevation, demolish garden wall, relocate vehicular access and create parking area at Jardin de Haut, Le Vauquiedor.

Mr and Mrs R. Best – change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage at Orta, Rue Frairie.

Mrs J. Courtney – erect outbuilding to create dower unit, remove hedge and erect fencing (west boundary) to the rear of the dwelling at La Colline, Les Bailleuls.


Mr K. Sweet – demolish existing and erect replacement rear extension, remove existing and construct large rear dormer at Manor View, 3, Clapham Cottages, Les Camps.

Project 98 Ltd – change of use of showroom/warehouse to unrestricted retail (rescind condition one of J.230/P6 restricting use of premises to retail sale of kitchens, bathrooms and ceramic tiles, ancillary storage and administrative activities), alterations to access at Channel Island Ceramics, Forest Road.

Ms K. Bougourd – install two catslide dormer windows (rear roof plane) at Wisley Cottage, Les Camps du Moulin.


Balmoral Properties Ltd – erect electrical sub-station to north-east of site and realign boundary wall at development site, La Vrangue.

Column Holdings Ltd - reroof building to north of site, replace fascia, soffit and barge boards, gutters and downpipes at Nelson House, Le Grand Bouet.

Mrs J. Mabire – demolish section of roadside wall to create wider vehicular access at West Park, L'Hyvreuse Avenue.

Ravenscroft Construction Ltd – replace dormer windows with large inset dormer window and terrace on east elevation and install two additional rooflights on flat roof at Eastbourne House, 20, New Street.

Mr J. Regnard – erect a garden room at 2, Queen's Road.

Ridge Ltd – erect single storey extension to rear of property at Ridge House, Montville Road.

Mr and Mrs O. De La Fosse – erect single storey extension and raised terrace on north and east elevations of property at Ionia, Becquet Road.

Mr and Mrs Martineau-Fortin – install terrace and swimming pool, erect pool house and plant room and install glass balustrade, steps and gates to south of property at Shore Lands, Village de Putron.


Western Parishes Youth and Community Trustees – replace window with door and door with window and install new door canopy on north elevation to create new main entrance to dance studio and erect signage at Western Community Centre, Rue de Longfrie.

Mrs V. Biggs – demolish garage/store and erect new garage/store at Les Sages, Route des Sages.

Mr C. Woodcock – variations to works previously approved to extend and alter dwelling – install balcony over flat roof extension on west elevation, extend patio, enlarge garage door and install two rooflights on south (front) elevation at La Jaoniere, Rue du Bordage.


Mr and Mrs A. Hudson– demolish lean-to extension and erect single storey flat roof extension on rear (north) elevation at Andria, 9, Victoria Terrace, Church Road.

Mr and Mrs G. Le Maitre – erect wooden fencing along east boundary at Flat 2, Burnham, Rue de la Mare.

Mr and Mrs Powell – raise ridge height, install dormer windows and rooflights and alter dwelling at The Gables, Les Sauvagees.

Mr S. Gibbons – install rooflight at Micressa, Hougues Magues, Capelles.

Mr and Mrs P. and M. Le Page – erect a sun lounge and porch to rear of dwelling at Nova Vida, Le Grand Fort Road.

Mr and Mrs De Mouilpied – change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage (protected building) at Nelsonii, Longue Rue.

Mr and Mrs M. Downing – demolish conservatory and erect sun lounge on north west elevation at Les Vielles Salines, Rue du Clos.


Mr and Mrs S. Crowley– replace roof, increasing ridge height, install dormer windows and rooflights to front (west) and dormer windows with balconies to rear (east) at Monterey, Route des Houguets.

Mr and Mrs Gibbs – demolish conservatory and erect single storey extension for use as personal fitness studio (residential use class 4) at Couchet de Soleil, Rue du Rignet, Richmond.


Mr and Mrs S. Brehaut – erect timber store on east elevation between main dwelling and garage at Les Rocques, Rue du Planel.


Mr I. Brown – convert and alter building for incidental residential storage and install a storage container on site for a temporary period (retrospective) at Summerland Nurseries, Rue de l'Epine.

Mr J. Fitzhenry – install replacement timber guillotine windows on front elevation of dwelling (protected building) at 2, Longree House, Les Montains.

Guernsey Trade Windows – replace ground and first floor windows and door on front (east) elevation and first floor windows on side (north) elevation at Lowlands Industrial Estate, La Route du Braye.

Mr and Mrs P. Grove – erect a conservatory at side of dwelling at Le Petit Arc-en-ciel, Rue du Passeur.

Guernsey Museums – install mounting plate for portable radar at Tower 4, L'Ancresse Common.

Ms M. Honey and Mr R. Wordsworth – variations to plans previously approved for replacement roof incorporating dormer windows, rooflights, balconies and solar panels, erect single storey rear extension and alter detached garages. Reposition dormer window and rooflight. Install flat lantern light in rear extension and air source heat pump to rear of garage at Roc es Cas, La Fontenelle.

Mr A. Wassall – site camper van/motorhome on driveway at Andorra, 13, Ocean Drive, Port Soif.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.

Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection at the auhtority's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the authority and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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