Guernsey Press

What the papers say – January 19

The royals make the front pages of the nationals on Friday after warm welcomes for both Kate and Wills and Harry and Meghan.


Royal fever hits the papers on Friday as both Kate and William, and Harry and Meghan carried out official engagements across the UK on Thursday.

Red tops The Sun and the Daily Mirror both focused on the Duke’s new hair cut. The Mirror’s headline reads “God shave the King”, while The Sun goes with “Hairless to the throne” as William showed off a shorter “No1 buzzcut”.

The Sun reports the new style cost the royal £180 but one barber replied: “I’d have done it for a tenner.”

As well as the Duke’s do, the Mirror is a warning of a possible new flu epidemic in two weeks’ time.

The Daily Telegraph picks up on the same story saying the “Japanese” strain is now dominant and figures show cases of the illness have risen by 150% in a fortnight.

Meghan Markle is featured on the front of the paper, as she and Harry received a warm welcome on a visit to Wales. Hundreds braved the cold to catch a glimpse of the Prince and his bride-to-be.

The Daily Mail breaks down the cost of Ms Markle’s outfit and leads with an interview with a former head of the military.

The Metro leads on the daughter-in-law of Sir Philip Green after a court heard she was allegedly robbed while taking a shower.

Boris Johnson has raised the prospect of a second crossing for the English Channel, as covered by the The Times, which also leads on how an FOI request to the City watchdog has revealed there have been fewer than 10 prosecutions for insider trading in the last decade.

Theresa May and and Emmanuel Macron are pictured on the i following the UK-France summit, as the French president delivered a “tough message on Brexit” and urged the public to “think again” on the decision to the leave the European Union.

Jermey Corbyn’s thoughts on the the collapse of Carillion make the front page of The Guardian, with the Labour leader saying his party will “rewrite the rules to give the public back control of their services”.

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