Guernsey Press

Mind your language: Know your striker from your streaker in Russian

It’s not just a different alphabet that could perplex England fans.

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Thousands of football fans will travel to watch England at the World Cup in Russia and, unlike previous tournaments, they will have to grapple with a different alphabet as well as language.

And they should bear in mind, when extolling the virtues of England star Harry Kane to any Russians, that the word for striker is pronounced bambardir and not strikir – which is the word for streaker.

England Media Day – St George’s Park
England fans should refer to Harry Kane as a ‘bambardir’ not a ‘strikir’ (Mike Egerton/PA)

1 – adin

2 – dva

3 – tri

Thank you – spasiba

Hello – zdrastvuite

Bye – da svidania

Please – pazhalusta

What is your name? – kak vas zovut?

My name is… – menya zovut…

Entrance/exit – vkhod/vykhod

Please help me – pazhalusta pomogite mne

Bus – avtobus

Train – poezd

Metro – metro

Police – politsiya

I don’t speak Russian – Ya ne gavaryu pa-russki

Do you speak English?
– vy gavarite pa-angliyski?

What is your Wi-Fi password? – kakoy u vas parol ot vay-fai?

Hooligan – khuligan

Ball – myach

Goalkeeper – golkipir

Player – igrok

Striker – bambardir

Manager – myenidzhihr

Referee – rifiri

Offside – ofseyt

Foul – narusheniye

Yellow/red card – zholtaya/krasnaya kartachka

Free kick – svabodnih udar

Corner (kick) – kornir

Penalty – pinalti

Score – schet

What a goal! – kakoy gol!

He’s a great player – on klasnih fudbalist

What a terrible team – uzhasnaya kamanda

That was a boring game –  bihl skuchnih mach

Streaker – strikir

Source: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Lonely Planet.

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