Guernsey Press

Tories need to woo young voters away from ‘crazed’ Corbyn, says Truss

Treasury Chief Secretary Liz Truss said the Tories needed to persuade young voters to like ‘freedom more than free things’ from the state.


The Tories need to mobilise youth voters in order to prevent a government under “crazed” socialist Jeremy Corbyn, a Cabinet minister has said.

Liz Truss called for a “supershock” boost in housebuilding to make homes affordable, and lower taxes for youngsters.

She warned “nimbys” who object to new housing developments that they run the risk of a “nutjob central” Labour administration which could try to seize their assets.

The Treasury Chief Secretary said the Conservatives had to learn from the Momentum movement and energy surrounding Mr Corbyn’s Labour leadership.

“We need to be Tories with attitude,” she told a fringe event at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham.

“Why is it that Corbyn has attracted some young supporters to his party? Why is there a movement around Corbyn?

“I think there are genuine issues – housing has become very expensive, particularly in London and the South East, the average house price is now 17 times the salary – it’s unaffordable for a lot of people.”

She added: “It’s not the ideas themselves – it’s the fact they are talking about ideas.”

Ms Truss said the Tories needed to have “genuine debates” about policies and ideas and it was “very noticeable at this conference it is the fringe that is packed” – rather than the main conference chamber.

“Once we get those ideas coming forward we can then take on Corbyn.

“The reality is young people have benefited from the freedom the free market provides – whether it’s to buy your clothes at Primark, whether it’s to go on Instagram and post dubious pictures of yourself or whether it’s to travel around the world and book cheap flights.”

She added: “We need to persuade young people that freedom is more important than free things.”

Liz Truss called for a major increase in housebuilding to provide a 'supershock' to the market (Stefan Rousseau/PA)
Liz Truss called for a major increase in housebuilding to provide a ‘supershock’ to the market (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

In a message to homeowners she said: “I think it’s wrong for nimbys who own houses to be stopping new developments which could benefit the next generation.

“My argument would be having attractive, reasonable development in your area and enabling your children and your grandchildren to buy homes is going to be much better than having a Labour government run by a socialist, crazed individual who wants to appropriate property”

She added: “There is something to lose by voting Corbyn, if you think that a Conservative government can help your business to grow, or help you get a new job or help you move to the place of your dreams, if there is a risk of voting for nutjob central then you won’t do it.”

Ms Truss also suggested cutting unnecessary regulations and increasing speed limits to help “turbocharge” the economy.

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