Guernsey Press

What the papers say – October 6

Group GP appointments, Brexit and Russia’s cyber threat lead Saturday’s papers.


Group appointments with GPs, Brexit and teens being targeted by Russian trolls make headlines on Saturday.

The Daily Telegraph says GPs could see patients in groups of up to 15 people at a time for advice on some conditions.

The Daily Mail also leads with the initiative, which is already on trial at dozens of surgeries.

The Guardian reports that Theresa May has plans to woo Labour MPs into backing her Brexit deal, even if it means denying Jeremy Corbyn the opportunity to be prime minister.

Meanwhile Tory Brexiteers are giving Mrs May an “ultimatum” that if her negotiating strategy fails she must accept a Canada-style arrangement or face a leadership challenge, according to The Independent .

The Financial Times leads with Unilever’s U-turn on relocating its headquarters from Britain to the Netherlands.

The Marmite-maker’s move was a victory for Brexit Britain, the Daily Express says.

The Times says it has found evidence that British teenagers are being targeted by Kremlin-backed trolls in a bid to create divisions among young westerners.

In other news, the Daily Mirror reports that an obese patient has been taking up four NHS bed spaces because of problems finding him social care.

The i reports that drug shortages, including low supplies of EpiPens, are putting children with allergies at risk.

And The Sun carries a report on the private life of footballer Troy Deeney.

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