Guernsey Press

How papers in Europe and beyond are reporting May’s Brexit defeat

European publications speak of a ‘humiliating’ and ‘crushing’ defeat..


Theresa May’s historic Commons defeat over her Brexit deal makes the front pages across Europe and further afield.

In France Le Monde says Mrs May was subject to a “humiliating defeat” that left the future of her Government and Brexit “more uncertain than ever”.

The Prime Minister’s loss is on the front page of El Pais in Spain, which says the “crushing defeat” make the “crisis” over Brexit worse.

In Germany Der Spiegel says Mrs May’s Brexit plan has been “shattered” and asks: “Must she go now?” – while a commentator for Bild describes the situation as “Brexshit”.

In Belgium L’Echo’s headline reads “The shadow of a hard Brexit”, while La Libre Belgique mulls “the jump into the void of the British parliament”.

The Brexit vote is also on the front of two papers in Sweden, the Svenska Dagbladet, which leads with Mrs May’s “historic loss”, and the Dagens Nyheter, which says: “After the historic setback – May’s fate can be decided today.”

In Denmark the national Jyllands-Posten leads with the “big defeat for May”, saying it leaves Brexit facing “maximum insecurity”.

Describing the loss as a “humiliating defeat” that has “thrust Britain further into political chaos”, the New York Times picks up on Mrs May’s warning before the vote that the decision will “set the future of our country for generations”.

The paper says: “Like most others, though, the prime minister had no easy answers about the way forward.”

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