Guernsey Press

Time to make Irish partition history, Michelle O’Neill tells supporters

The Sinn Fein deputy leader was speaking at a commemoration for party councillor John Davey in County Londonderry on Sunday.


Sinn Fein’s deputy leader has told supporters that it is time to make partition history.

Michelle O’Neill was speaking at a commemoration event for former party councillor John Davey in Lavey, Co Londonderry.

Mr Davey was shot dead by Loyalist terrorists in 1989.

Ms O’Neill paid tribute to him as a patriot.

In her speech to the gathering a day after Democratic Unionist leader Arlene Foster accused Sinn Fein of blocking the restoration of devolution, Ms O’Neill said her party wants to see the removal of the major obstacles.

“If the DUP or anyone else wish to exercise political power in government in the north of Ireland now or in the future, then the cost is to embrace a rights-based society and openness, transparency and equal partnership government, which works for everyone,” she said.

“Sinn Fein wants to see the removal of the major obstacles to restoring the political institutions, an end to the denial of rights and the DUP’s financial scandals, and the full implementation of the Good Friday and subsequent agreements.

“We want an Assembly which operates differently from what has gone before, to usher in a new kind of politics, which is progressive, respectful, and has integrity.

“We will not be part of an unjust government. There will be no return to the status quo.”

Ms O’Neill went on to say it is time to talk about the future of the island of Ireland.

“We are now in the midst of what is the most defining period politically, economically and constitutionally since the Good Friday Agreement 21 years ago,” she said.

“It is time to talk about the future of our island and people together.

“And it is time to render the British border in Ireland permanently invisible and to make the partition of this country history.”

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