Guernsey Press

What the papers say – March 21

Brexit features on nearly all of the fronts.


Brexit remains on the fronts of many papers on Thursday after the Prime Minister requested an extension to the Article 50 period, calling it a “matter of personal regret”.

The Times leads with suggestions Mrs May is attempting to turn the public’s anger with Brexit toward MPs who have opposed her deal, using a speech to say: “You, the public, have had enough”.

The Daily Telegraph quotes “senior Eurosceptics” who believe Mrs May is risking leading the country to “national humiliation” by asking for a delay to Brexit.

The Guardian carries detail from Mrs May’s speech, with the paper reporting she is facing “furious backlash” after blaming “squabbling MPs” for the delay.

The Financial Times leads with Mrs May and the “ultimatum” issued by the European Union for MPs to back her deal or crash out of the union.

The Metro leads with a poll on the handling of Brexit, with nine out of 10 people questioned saying it was a “national humiliation”.

The i carries the headline “Brexit blame game”, with both Remain and Leave camps critical of Mrs May’s televised address.

The Independent carries the same story, leading with the headline “So you’re sick of the political games, Theresa?”

The Daily Mirror says Mrs May showed “deluded defiance”, with the paper reporting she has sought to blame other people for the “Brexit fiasco”.

The Sun says Mrs May set out a “plea to sort Brexit”, as she told voters that “I’m on your side”.

The Daily Mail says the latest developments mean the country is on a “no-deal knife edge”.

While the Daily Express also carries the Prime Minister’s appeal to voters.

And the Daily Star leads on a £71 million lottery win for factory worker Ade Goodchild.

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