Guernsey Press

MPs consider range of options for indicative votes on Brexit

What are some of the options MPs could be voting on?


MPs will be asked to consider a range of alternative Brexit options on Wednesday, after Parliament seized control of the Commons agenda to force a series of “indicative votes”.

The precise voting system is not yet known, but it is understood that MPs will be asked to vote Yes or No to each of the options put before them.

Labour plan

Labour has tabled a motion proposing its plan for a close economic relationship with the EU.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

Common market 2.0

Tabled by Conservatives Nick Boles, Robert Halfon and Andrew Percy and Labour’s Stephen Kinnock, Lucy Powell and Diana Johnson.

The motion proposes UK membership of the European Free Trade Association and European Economic Area. It allows continued participation in the single market and a “comprehensive customs arrangement” with the EU after Brexit, which would remain in place until the agreement of a wider trade deal which guarantees frictionless movement of goods and an open border in Ireland.

Confirmatory public vote

Drawn up by Labour MPs Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson and tabled by former foreign secretary Dame Margaret Beckett with the backing of scores of MPs across the House, this motion would require a public vote to confirm any Brexit deal passed by Parliament before its ratification.

Customs union

Requires a commitment to negotiate a “permanent and comprehensive UK-wide customs union with the EU” in any Brexit deal.

Tabled by veteran Conservative Europhile Ken Clarke, backed by Labour’s Yvette Cooper, Helen Goodman and chair of the Commons Exiting the EU Committee Hilary Benn and Tory former ministers Sir Oliver Letwin and Sarah Newton.

Malthouse compromise Plan A

A cross-party proposal calls for Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement to be implemented with the controversial “backstop” for the Irish border replaced by alternative arrangements.

Backed by Conservatives from both the Leave and Remain wings of the party, including Nicky Morgan, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Damian Green, Steve Baker and Sir Graham Brady, as well as the DUP’s Nigel Dodds and Labour Brexiteer Kate Hoey.

Revoke Article 50

Under this plan, if the Government has not passed its Withdrawal Agreement, it would have to stage a vote on a no-deal Brexit two sitting days before the scheduled date of departure.

If MPs refuse to authorise no-deal, the Prime Minister would be required to halt Brexit by revoking Article 50.

The motion, tabled by the SNP’s Joanna Cherry, has been signed by 33 MPs including Conservative former attorney general Dominic Grieve, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable, Labour’s Ben Bradshaw and all 11 members of The Independent Group.

Revocation instead of no deal

Under this plan, the Government is called on to “urgently” bring forward any legislation needed to revoke Article 50 “in the event that the House fails to approve any withdrawal agreement four days before the end of the Article 50 period”.

It has been signed by 28 MPs, including the SNP’s Angus Brendan MacNeil and Tory MP Ken Clarke.

New customs union

Tabled by Labour’s MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central Gareth Snell, this motion simply states that it should be the Government’s objective to implement a trade agreement including a customs union with the EU. It mirrors an amendment to the Trade Bill secured by Labour peers in the House of Lords.

Labour's Gareth Snell
Labour’s Gareth Snell (Joe Giddens/PA)

A motion tabled by Conservative MP George Eustice – who quit as agriculture minister this month to fight for Brexit – proposes remaining within the EEA and rejoining EFTA, but remaining outside a customs union with the EU.

The motion was also signed by Conservative MPs including former minister Nicky Morgan and head of the Brexit Delivery Group Simon Hart.

No deal

Backed by Conservative MPs John Baron, David Amess, Martin Vickers and Stephen Metcalfe, the motion proposes leaving the European Union without a deal on April 12.

Unilateral right of exit from backstop

The same four Tory MPs, as well as Andrew Percy and Neil Parish, have also backed a motion to leave the EU on May 22 with Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement amended to allow the UK to unilaterally exit the Northern Ireland backstop.

Consent of devolved institutions

Backed by SNP MPs including Ian Blackford, Kirsty Blackman and Stephen Gethins, this motion requires an agreement that the UK will not leave without a deal, and that no action for leaving the EU will be taken without a consent motion passed in both the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly.

SNP's Ian Blackford
SNP’s Ian Blackford (Jane Barlow/PA)

A group of Conservative MPs, including Marcus Fysh, Steve Baker and Priti Patel, have signed a motion that calls for the Government to seek to agree preferential trade arrangements with the EU, in case the UK is unable to implement a Withdrawal Agreement with the bloc.

Contingent reciprocal arrangements

A similar group of Tory MPs have backed a proposal calling for the Government to “at least reciprocate the arrangements put in place by the EU and or its Member states to manage the period following the UK’s departure from the EU”, in case the UK is unable to implement a Withdrawal Agreement.

Respect the referendum results

A cross-party proposal, signed by 94 MPs including the Conservatives’ Will Quince, Labour’s Frank Field and the DUP’s Nigel Dodds, urges the House to “reaffirm its commitment to honour the result of the referendum that the UK should leave the European Union”.

MPs will be asked to consider a range of alternative Brexit options on Wednesday, after Parliament seized control of the Commons agenda to force a series of “indicative votes”.

The precise voting system is not yet known, but it is understood that MPs will be asked to vote Yes or No to each of the options put before them.

Constitutional and accountable government

This motion, tabled by veteran Tory Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash, condemns the process by which MPs have seized control of the Commons agenda as “unparliamentary” and calls for a two-thirds majority to be required for it to ever happen again.

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