Guernsey Press

What the papers say – May 6

Brexit, Anjem Choudary and childbirth are on the fronts.


Brexit, radical preacher Anjem Choudary and childbirth make headlines on Monday, while Line of Duty also features on several fronts after Sunday night’s season finale.

International Development Secretary Rory Stewart said Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn are just “a quarter of an inch” away from agreeing a Brexit plan, the Daily Express says.

But doubts remain over a deal between the leaders being struck due to the potential backlash from their own parties, the i reports.

The Times says Mrs May is due to offer Labour a temporary customs union in an effort to break the deadlock, but the move could be rejected by 100 Tory MPs.

And The Guardian says senior Labour figures believe a plan will not be countenanced by their MPs unless Mr Corbyn promises a second referendum.

An audit by the Daily Mail suggests it is riskier to give birth at night or on a weekend on three quarters of maternity wards because of a lack of consultants on site.

Radical preacher Anjem Choudary has returned to his north London home after his release from prison, raising concerns he poses a new threat to national security, the Daily Telegraph reports.

The Sun manages to combine expectations around the Duchess of Sussex’s baby and the conclusion of BBC hit Line of Duty’s fifth season.

Apple is to be investigated by the EU over allegedly disadvantaging competitors with rival music services on its own gadgets, the Financial Times reports.

And the Daily Mirror leads with claims by a mother that her daughter killed herself after watching controversial Netflix series 13 Reasons Why.

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