Guernsey Press

Donald Trump UK visit live: President welcomes Charles and Camilla

There was less pomp and more protest during the second day of the US president’s visit to the UK.

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US President Donald Trump has welcomed the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall to Winfield House for a black-tie dinner.

Earlier, Mr Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May held a joint press conference.

But while the PM hosted the president, opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn addressed demonstrators “in solidarity with those he’s attacked in America, around the world and in our own country”.

Protests were held in Trafalgar Square with the Trump Baby blimp flown over Parliament Square for two hours before crowds marched down Whitehall.


US Ambassador Woody Johnson has released a video of the arrival.


Guests are dining on a menu with European influences, including a salad of heritage tomatoes and burrata, a soft cheese from Italy, and a traditional British main course of fillet of beef.

President Trump state visit
(Tony Diver/PA)

For dessert, attendees will feast on a simple dish of summer berries and vanilla ice cream, finished off with a muscovado sugar tuile.


Charles and Mr Trump shared a joke as they stood at the entrance of the house for photos.

President Trump state visit
(Victoria Jones/PA)

The Duchess of Cornwall was wearing a dress by Fiona Clare.


US President Donald Trump has welcomed the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall to a black-tie dinner at Winfield House, the official residence of the US Ambassador to the UK.

President Trump state visit
(Victoria Jones/PA)

There were similar scenes in Glasgow.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
(Douglas Barrie/PA)


Meanwhile, hundreds gathered in Scotland to protest against Donald Trump’s state visit.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
Protesters in Edinburgh (Conor Riordan/PA)
President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard addressed protesters (Conor Riordan/PA)


Mr Farage said he came away from the meeting with the impression that the US was ready to do a post-Brexit trade deal with the UK but that the Government were unprepared.

He added: “What was most interesting about the meeting was trade… The Americans are very, very prepared for their side of the negotiation.”

He said Mr Trump and US Ambassador Woody Johnson told him the US team had a 13-chapter plan “where they have pretty much completed the work”.

“When I asked the extent to which the British were ready for this, I got the impression we are pretty much behind the curve all the way.”

He called for an independent delegation of business leaders to travel to the US and negotiate in the meantime.

He continued: “My big take from that meeting an hour ago is America is prepared for this and we simply aren’t.”


Nigel Farage has revealed he met Donald Trump this afternoon following a “private invitation”.

Nigel Farage arrives at Winfield House
Nigel Farage arrives at Winfield House (David Mirzoeff/PA)

He went on: “Clearly, it was a private meeting but what I can say is he was in top form, he was ebullient.

“He absolutely believes in Brexit, thinks it’s the right thing for the country to do. He’s obviously concerned it’s taking a very long time.”


Former cabinet ministers Iain Duncan Smith and Owen Paterson have also met Donald Trump.

A spokeswoman for former Tory leader Mr Duncan Smith said the meeting had “been in the offing for a while”.

The meeting “covered a whole range of subjects including Brexit”.


A few hundred people gathered outside Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on Tuesday evening to protest against Donald Trump’s visit to the UK.

Many held placards from Stand Up To Racism and the Unison union, with speakers on the Buchanan Street steps criticising comments made by the US president.

One person held aloft a homemade sign saying: “Trump – Feed Him To The Corgis.”

As the rain came down heavier on the crowds, those gathered were also encouraged to chant slogans such as “Donald Trump, off our streets” and “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here”.

A similar protest was also organised in Edinburgh.


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said he had a “good meeting” with Donald Trump.

Mr Farage was seen being driven to Winfield House ahead of the meeting.


The US Ambassador to the UK, Woody Johnson, was looking forward to this evening’s dinner at Winfield House, his official residence.

The mansion in Regent’s Park is serving as Donald and Melania Trump’s base while they are in town.

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall are expected to attend the dinner on behalf of the Queen.


Watch: Jeremy Corbyn calls out Trump’s Twitter “attack” on Sadiq Khan.


Contenders in the race to be the next prime minister have moved to distance themselves from Donald Trump’s call for the NHS to be covered by a new UK-US trade deal after Brexit.


Donald Trump has asked for a meeting with Jeremy Hunt during his state visit, sources close to the Foreign Secretary said.

Mr Trump’s meeting with Mr Hunt will take place on Wednesday, the source said.


Meanwhile, Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was spotted arriving at Winfield House.

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage
(David Mirzoeff/PA)

The Beast arrives back at Winfield House following Donald Trump’s meeting with Theresa May.

The Beast arrives back at Winfield House following Donald Trump's meeting with Theresa May
(David Mirzoeff/PA)

Watch: The US President dismissed reports of protests as “fake news”.

Donald Trump has thanked Theresa May following their meeting and press conference.


Watch: Donald Trump on Jeremy Corbyn and the Tory leadership contenders.


Ian Blackford, the SNP leader in Westminster, told the crowd in Parliament Square: “We are standing up for the majority of the people in the United States that voted against Donald Trump.

“It’s about one man, it’s about Donald Trump and his policies of hate, of racism, and in particular when you look at that threat we face around the world, the biggest challenge that we face today is one of climate change.”

Mr Blackford added: “Donald Trump, you’re wrong and you’re not going to destroy our planet.”

He spoke about Mr Trump’s Scottish heritage, telling the crowd: “To see Donald Trump turn his back on migrants, when he himself comes from a family of immigrants, is morally reprehensible.”


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn insisted the NHS was “not for sale” after the Trump-May press conference.


Brian Eno, the musician, told a crowd of several thousand people at Parliament Square: “I’m very surprised to see you all because according to Donald Trump you don’t actually exist.

“You’re a figment of the fake news media and according to Donald the British are greeting him warmly on the streets of London right now, so he has invited us to work with him as the twin pillars of the new modern civilisation.”

Mocking the president, Eno told the cheering crowd: “We should show the world what civilisation really looks like. Let’s make torture and racism great again. Let’s put Mexicans in cages, let’s sell lethal weapons, pesticides and opioids to anyone who can pay for them.”


The White House has shared a video of Donald Trump saying he was “honoured” to return to London as the UK and US mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day.


President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
A Trump supporter is escorted by police after being covered in milkshake at Parliament Square (Jacob King/PA)


President Trump dismissed protests as “fake news”.

Protesters on Whitehall
Protesters on Whitehall (Jacob King/PA)

“Even coming over today there were thousands of people cheering.

“Then I heard there were protests, I said ‘Where are the protests? I don’t see any protests’.

“I did see a small protest today when I came – very small – so a lot of it is fake news I hate to say.”


On Jeremy Corbyn, President Trump said he did “not know him, never met him, never spoke to him” but claimed to have turned down an offer to meet the Labour leader on a different occasion.

President Trump state visit
(Stefan Rousseau/PA)

“I think he is from where I come from somewhat of a negative force.

“I think the people should look to do things correctly as opposed to criticise – I really don’t like critics as much as I like and respect people who get things done – so I decided not to meet.”

A Labour spokesman said: “Jeremy Corbyn proposed a meeting with Donald Trump during the president’s visit.

“Jeremy is ready to engage with the president on a range of issues, including the climate emergency, threats to peace and the refugee crisis.”


Mr Trump also referred to his contacts with Tory leadership hopefuls Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, as well as with Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt who was at the press conference.

“I know Boris. I like him. I have liked him for a long time. I think he would do a very good job. I know Jeremy, I think he would do a very good job.” he said.

“I don’t know Michael – would he do a good job Jeremy?”


Mr Trump predicted that the US and UK would reach agreement over how to deal with Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.


President Trump said the NHS would be on the table during negotiations on a post-Brexit trade deal with the US.

He said: “I think everything with a trade deal is on the table.

“When you’re dealing in trade everything is on the table so NHS or anything else, a lot more than that, but everything will be on the table, absolutely.”

Prime Minster Theresa May added: “But the point in making trade deals is of course that both sides negotiate and come to an agreement about what should or should not be in that trade deal for the future.”


Mr Trump said he believed Brexit should and will happen.

Prime Minister Theresa May and US President Donald Trump during their joint press conference
Prime Minister Theresa May and US President Donald Trump during their joint press conference (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

“This is a great, great country and it wants its own identity. It wants to have its own borders, it wants to run its own affairs. This is a very, very special place and I think it deserves a special place.”

He praised the Prime Minister for doing “a very good job” in getting the Brexit negotiations to this point.


President Trump promised a “phenomenal” trade deal following Brexit.

He said: “Our nations have more than 1 trillion dollars invested in each other’s economics…

“As the UK makes preparations to exit the EU the US is committed to a phenomenal trade deal between the US and the UK.

“There is tremendous potential in that trade deal, I say probably two and even three times what we’re doing right now.”


Mr Trump was asked his opinions on London Mayor Sadiq Khan and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and said they were both “somewhat negative forces”, saying Mr Khan was “not a very good mayor from what I understand”.

He said he had refused to meet the Labour leader.


Mr Trump began his speech by thanking the Queen for hosting the state banquet last night, calling her a “wonderful woman”.

He also paid tribute to Mrs May, saying she had a “deep love of her country”.


Mrs May said the special relationship between the two nations had endured through her premiership, including during the Russian chemical weapon attack in Salisbury.

She said: “As with our predecessors when we have faced threats to our security of our citizens and our allies we have stood together and acted together.

“When Russia used a deadly nerve agent on the streets of our country, alongside the UK’s expulsions the president expelled 60 Russian intelligence officers, the largest contribution towards an unprecedented global response.”


Donald Trump has arrived at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with Theresa May ahead of their joint press conference.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
Mrs May and Mr Trump leave Downing Street (Aaron Chown/PA)

Mrs May spoke first and raised the historic co-operation between the two nations.

She paid tribute to the “extraordinary courage and sacrifice” of those fighting on D-Day, adding: “As leaders prepare to gather here from across the world it’s fitting we begin with a celebration of the special relationship between the UK and US.

“Enduring partners who stood side by side on that historic day and every day since.”


The main anti-Trump protest, which set off from Trafalgar Square at 11am, has arrived at Parliament Square three hours later.

The procession of banners and demonstrators has joined with several hundred other activists and onlookers opposite the Palace of Westminster ahead of more speeches which are expected to begin shortly.

A truck with a stage built into its trailer has been set up at the square and speakers are expected to take to the stage by around 2.30pm, organisers said, but they have not yet announced who that will include.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
Protesters in Parliament Square after marching from Trafalgar Square (David Mirzoeff/PA)

Mr Corbyn added: “And so in welcoming visitors from the United States, I hope there can be a conversation.

“I am not, absolutely not, refusing to meet anybody.

“I want to be able to have that dialogue to bring about the better and more peaceful world that we all want to live in.”

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
Mr Corbyn arriving for his speech (Ben Birchall/PA)

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has addressed the protesters in Whitehall.

He said: “Look around this crowd. Look at each other. We are young, we are old, we are black, we are white, we are disabled, we’re LGBT.

“We’re the whole wonderful mosaic of diversity and inclusion that we represent on this demonstration here today.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaking on stage at an anti-Trump protest (Ben Birchall/PA)

He was joined by his fellow MPs in the crowd including Ruqa Huq and Tracey Brabin.


US ambassador Woody Johnson has spoken of the value of the business breakfast earlier.

And shared a picture of the stage ahead of a joint press conference by the two leaders.


First Lady Melania Trump and the Prime Minister’s husband Philip May have attended an Anglo-American themed garden party at Number 10.

The pair met children of US embassy and Downing Street staff in the garden, and Mrs Trump hugged a girl who presented her with a bouquet of flowers.

Donald Trump and Theresa May had lunch with their delegations inside Number 10 while the party was under way.


Here’s Mr Trump viewing rare document inside Downing Street with the Prime Minister:

Scotland Yard said 3,182 officers have been deployed to police the second day of Donald Trump’s state visit.


Boris Johnson and Donald Trump had a “friendly and productive” 20-minute phone call but the former foreign secretary turned down the offer of a face-to-face meeting, the Press Association understands.


Addressing the crowd of protesters on Whitehall, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said of Mr Trump: “This is a man who is not worthy of our respect, he is not worthy of the office of President and we say go home.”

Ms Lucas added: “We stand in solidarity with all of those that recognise that our future is green or it is not at all.”

She said Mr Trump is “best friends with Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson”, prompting boos from the crowd.

Ms Lucas said the president is “no friend of Britain”, adding: “We know that Britain is better than the Britain that has been pimping out the royal family for photo opportunities for Trump.”


There was no handshake between the two leaders outside Downing Street.

The US President, who was involved in an awkward “fist bump” greeting with the Queen on Monday, avoided a repeat incident by not shaking the Prime Minister’s hand outside Number 10.

Mrs May and husband Philip greeted the president and First Lady Melania Trump as they arrived in Downing Street.

Both Mrs May and her husband shook hands with the First Lady, while Mr Trump shook hands with Mr May.


The Donald Trump baby blimp has now been lowered and is being deflated in Parliament Square.

US ambassador to the UK Woody Johnson shared a video on Twitter of the Trumps arriving in Downing Street.


During the visit to Downing Street, the PM and president, along with their spouses, viewed the Sussex Declaration – a rare copy of the American Declaration of Independence on sheepskin parchment dating back to the 1780s.

Mr Trump listened intently as the history of the document was shared with him.


Mr Trump predicted a “substantial trade deal” during talks with Theresa May.

Mr Trump’s motorcade passed Parliament Square, where the baby blimp is flying, as it headed on to Whitehall.

The entire stretch of road towards Number 10 was completely sealed off by dozens off police officers, including several on horseback.

Scores of metal gates have also been set out along Whitehall and police said they would prevent anybody passing until further notice.

A police helicopter also circled overhead as a small crowd, mostly tourists, strained to catch a glimpse of the president.

Some protests shouted expletives as his vehicle passed.


The Trump baby protesters took video footage of the moment the US president was driven past their balloon:


President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
The two couples were photographed oon the red carpet outside Downing Street (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

Huawei will be discussed by the two leaders, a Downing Street spokeswoman confirmed, adding: “The PM will be setting out the UK position. We’re obviously reviewing the right policy approach at the moment.

“The PM and others have been clear that any decision we take there will be supported by hard-headed technically informed assessment of the risk.

“We’re reviewing the right policy approach and when an announcement is ready we will update Parliament.”


More on the potential meeting between Michael Gove and the president.

A source close to the Environment Secretary told the Press Association: “Mr Gove was asked last night by Mr Trump’s team if he would be able to meet the president today. He said yes. Nothing has been fixed yet.”

The source indicated the meeting was likely to be on a one-to-one basis, which could prove embarrassing to Theresa May as her talks with the president are likely to involve senior ministers and officials rather than just the two leaders.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day One
Mr Gove with Stephanie Grisham at last night’s state banquet (Victoria Jones/PA)

Sources close to the Brexit Party leader refused to be drawn on whether he would meet the president.


As Mr Trump arrived at Downing Street, the Prime Minister tweeted about their business breakfast talks, saying she wanted to ensure the UK-US economic partnership “not only endures but continues to grow stronger for many years to come”.


President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner has arrived at Number 10 Downing St ahead of talks between the US head of state and Mrs May.


Sadiq Khan defended his party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s decision to boycott a state dinner at Buckingham Palace for Mr Trump.

Mr Corbyn attended a state dinner for Chinese president Xi Jinping in 2015, despite protests around the leader’s visit.

Asked if Mr Corbyn’s behaviour was hypocritical, the London Mayor said: “My views are quite clear and I think Jeremy Corbyn’s are not dissimilar which is ‘yes we should have a close relationship with the president of the USA, yes he should be able to come here on a working visit’.

“What shouldn’t happen is a state banquet and a state visit with the red carpet rolled out. I think it’s inappropriate. I think those visits should be reserved for leaders who have done something and deserve that. I think it sends the wrong message to be seen to condone some of the things this president has said and done.”


During the business breakfast Mr Trump said it was an honour to have worked with Mrs May, who is standing down as Prime Minister.

The president said: “I’d just like to congratulate you on having done a fantastic job on behalf of the people of the United States, and it’s an honour to have worked with you.

His closing remarks were greeted with laughter by those attending: “And I don’t know exactly what your timing is, but stick around. Let’s do this deal, okay?”


Tory leadership hopeful Michael Gove has been invited for a meeting with US President Donald Trump, sources close to the Environment Secretary said.


Watch Boris Johnson avoid questions about whether he has a meeting scheduled with Mr Trump later.

Dozens of demonstrators are gathering in Trafalgar Square carrying a variety of placards including one that says “Dump Trump”.

Groups represented include the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop Trump Coalition, Stop The War Coalition, Stand Up To Racism and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Placards include slogans: “No to racism, no to Trump”, “Migrants and refugees welcome here”, and “Lock him in the Tower”.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
A man sells Donald Trump toilet paper during protests in Parliament Square (David Mirzoeff/PA)

After Mr Trump’s comments from the business meeting at St James’s Palace, Theresa May said that there were “huge opportunities” for Britain and the US to work together in the future.

“It is a great partnership but I think a partnership we can take even further. Of course that is with a good bilateral trade deal,” she told the US president.

“I think there are huge opportunities for us to do more together in the future and challenges to work on as well.”

Included in the US party were his daughter Ivanka Trump, White House national security adviser John Bolton and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

President Trump state visit to UK – Day Two
The business breakfast meeting at St James’s Palace (Tim Ireland/PA)
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