Guernsey Press

How does the UK compare to other countries in full-fibre broadband coverage?

Labour has unveiled plans to bring free, full-fibre broadband to every home and business by 2030.


Figures suggest the UK is one of the worst places in Europe for access to full-fibre broadband, as Labour announced plans to provide the technology to every home and business in the UK by 2030.

The party has announced it would bring parts of BT into public ownership under plans which it said will result in a massive upgrade in the UK’s internet infrastructure.

While the UK is among the best-performing EU countries for broadband coverage generally, it lags behind most other EU nations when it comes to full-fibre coverage.

BT Openreach
Labour wants to bring parts of BT into public ownership (Peter Byrne/PA)

This is significantly lower than many other parts of the EU – where only Belgium, Cyprus and Greece have lower levels of full-fibre coverage than the UK, according to figures from the European Commission from 2018 which were published earlier this year.

The figures indicate that those countries are joined by the UK and Germany as the only EU nations with full-fibre coverage under 10%.

In contrast, the figures show that full-fibre coverage in Latvia stands at just under 90%, while Spain, Portugal and Sweden have coverage of 70% or higher.

Further afield, countries such as Japan and South Korea both have full-fibre coverage of over 95%.

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