Guernsey Press

Police hope to toss suspects in jail after setting pancake honey trap

Surrey Police have created digital wanted appeals to mark Shrove Tuesday.


A police force has created a series of wanted appeal pancakes to mark Shrove Tuesday.

Surrey Police have used digitally-enhanced images of pancakes showing the faces of wanted suspects in a bid to highlight their appeals.

The force posted: “We’ve asked Crepe Artiste Philippe de Pan to help us locate some of our most wanted through the medium of pancake art. #ShroveTuesday #HelpUsWhiskThemAway”

The force goes on to point out that Philippe de Pan does not exist and they have created the digital images themselves.

Accompanying one of the images, the police adds the pun: “We would like to establish if he is a crepe-tomaniac?! (badoom tisch!)

Social media users have responded by responses which have included: “Take is he stole some dough?” with another stating “Don’t pancake!! We are on to it!!”

One person wrote: “I hope you manage to crepe up on them and apprehend them safely!” to which Surrey Police responded: “Thank you – we’ll try to be syruptitious!”

And another posted: “With any luck you’ll catch some unsavoury characters”.

Surrey Police also responded: “While there will always be critics who ‘pan’ our attempts at getting these wanted faces out there, the flip side is that more people are seeing these posts than would see a standard wanted appeal.”

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