Guernsey Press

South Asian people the most likely group to die from Covid-19, experts say

Ethnic minorities were younger and more likely to have diabetes than white people, a team from the University of Edinburgh said.


South Asian people are the most likely group to die from Covid-19 after being admitted to hospital across the UK, according to a new study.

Data from 30,693 people admitted to 260 hospitals found a 19% increased risk of death with coronavirus for those who were South Asian compared with white people.

Experts behind the study said 40% of the South Asians in the group had diabetes – which was a “significant factor” in their increased risk of death.

The data was taken from hospitals in England, Scotland and Wales from February 6 to May 8, with patient follow-up to May 22.

Ethnic minorities were younger and more likely to have diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) but had fewer other underlying health conditions such as chronic heart disease or dementia than people who were white.

No difference was seen between ethnic groups when it came to the severity of illness on admission to hospital.

People who were South Asian were 28% more likely to be admitted to critical care, as were those who were black (36% increased risk), compared with those who were white, the study found.

This held true even when age, sex and place of admission were taken into account, and the impact of deprivation.

The researchers, from the University of Edinburgh, concluded: “Ethnic minorities in hospital with Covid-19 were more likely to be admitted to critical care and receive IMV (ventilation) than whites, despite similar disease severity on admission, similar duration of symptoms, and being younger with fewer comorbidities.

“South Asians are at greater risk of dying, due at least in part to a higher prevalence of pre-existing diabetes.”

Dr Ewen Harrison, professor of surgery and data science at the University of Edinburgh, who led the study, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “South Asian people look very different in hospital to other groups, in particular, white people.

“They’re younger, 12 years younger in average, less likely to have pre-existing conditions such as lung disease, dementia or obesity but much more likely to have diabetes.

“In fact 40% of the South Asians in hospital with Covid-19 have diabetes, we think this is quite a significant contributor to their increased likelihood of death.”

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