Customers rally for coffee shop ‘completely destroyed’ by flooding
‘Everything we have all worked for over the past three years is completely destroyed,’ said Sophie France.

Customers have raised thousands of pounds for a local coffee shop after it was destroyed by flooding from Storm Christoph.
Abda’s, a coffee shop in Northwich, Cheshire, was hit by flooding on Thursday. By the time staff arrived at the scene, the damage was done.
The shop now requires a full refit, while stock – including tea, coffee, spices and syrups – has also been ruined by the water.

“All we’ve managed to save so far is our beautiful coffee machine – thank goodness – our grinders and a box of gift vouchers as they were above the water level.
“We have lost the majority of our stock – all of our teas, coffee, spices, syrups, literally everything. All of our furniture is ruined.
“The shop is going to need a full refit to overcome the damage from the water and also sewage as it was the drains around us which overflowed.”
Northwich is one of many areas affected by floods as a result of Storm Christoph, with residents in parts of England being urged to prepare for further flooding.

For staff at Abda however, a GoFundMe page which has already raised more than £7,000 has provided light in a difficult moment.
“The night of the flooding, I set up a GoFundMe with help from Chloe (Barlow) and Claire (Dutton) to bring our shop back and to support our boss (Abda Obeid-Findley), who does everything she physically can to support us through everything,” said Ms France.
“We have been so overwhelmed with all of the support – our customers and families have been so unbelievably generous and supportive, donating hundreds of pounds each of their own money.
“We’ve always been so proud of our community at Abda, we truly are a family and all of our customers are like our closest friends.
“We really cannot thank them enough. We are a very small team and honestly couldn’t get through this without them. We are eternally grateful.
“We have also received incredible support from other local businesses offering free labour, help with electrics, furniture/furnishings – it’s incredible and we can’t believe how this has brought people together.”

To find out more about the fundraiser, go to