Guernsey Press

Use of violence in opposition to Northern Ireland protocol ‘not off table’

The Loyalist Communities Council made the comments at a meeting of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee on Wednesday.


The use of violence in opposition to the Northern Ireland protocol is a “last resort” but not “off the table”, a member of the Loyalist Communities Council has said.

Representatives from the LCC appeared before the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee (NIAC) on Wednesday, as part of its inquiry into the Brexit protocol.

Committee chairman Simon Hoare MP questioned the LCC representatives on their past comments on the use of violence.

Asked if her stood by the comments, Mr Keys replied: “I would stand by the comments.

“You know there are certainly certain circumstances where violence is the only tool you have left.

“For example, I don’t think the people living under Kim Jong Un’s sort of dictatorship is going to get anywhere with peaceful protests anytime soon.”

He was then asked specifically about the use of violence were the Northern Ireland protocol to become “embedded” and deemed to be working by the UK Government and the EU.

He said: “I am not sure if and when and violence will be the answer.

“I’m just saying that I wouldn’t sort of rule it off the table.”

Put to him that his answer was “incredibly worrying and dispiriting”, Mr Keys replied: “Well, let me make it clear.

“I’m no fan of violence, I think that it has to be an absolute last resort.

“But it worries me that we could potentially reach a point in this country, or in any country, where the people feel that they do have to defend themselves.”

“You kind of have to have that willingness to back up what you say and back up what you believe in, and fight for what you believe in,” he said.

But he added: “I want to emphasise I don’t think we’re anywhere near that point at the minute.

“I think that the political process is one that we all have to use and take advantage of.”

LCC chairman David Campbell (left) and former Ulster Unionist MLA and Ukip NI leader David McNarry (right) during a small loyalist protest against Brexit’s Northern Ireland Protocol outside the Irish Secretariat offices in Belfast  (David Young/PA)

Mr Campbell replied: “The question they asked essentially was ‘are there circumstances where the physical force is justified?’.

“And I said ‘yes, if our freedoms within the United Kingdom are threatened, for example by a tyrant like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin’.”

He complained that his comments had been “selectively edited” by the broadcaster.

LCC member Jim Wilson, formerly of the UUP, told the Committee: “I believe that we’re living in a society now where the greater threat of violence seems to win the day.

“We met the Irish Government over the protocol, on three or four different occasions, with Simon Coveney and others.

“And they never listened to one word we said.

“We said we don’t want a border on the island of Ireland, but we sure didn’t want a border in the sea.

Loyalist Declaration of Transformation
Jim Wilson of Red Hand Commando (RHC) at Linenhall Library, Belfast (Niall Carson/PA)

“The Irish government have done that, politicians in the North have done that.

“We live in society where the threat of violence wins the day.

“That is a disgusting situation to be living in and for political people to use those threats to win and argument, it’s not the type of society that we should be living in.”

The Loyalist Communities Council is an umbrella group that represents three outlawed paramilitary groups: the UVF, the UDA and Red Hand Commando.

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