Guernsey Press

Day 10 at Cop26: Irn-Bru missions and projector wars

Here’s what happened on the day 10 of the climate summit.


As the Prime Minister catches the train back to Glasgow, one of the most famous politicians in the world looked to hunt down some of the local drink.

Here are what happened on day 10 of Cop26:

– On the hunt for the orange stuff

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the US congresswoman, told followers on her Instagram she wanted to try Irn-Bru while in Scotland.

The progressive politician, answering a question from a follower, said: “I am trying to get my hands on some.

“So far it’s been non-stop work with no real independent time so I am hoping for a window to find some.”

By Thursday afternoon, the politician had tracked down some of the orange stuff and, presumably, was in the dentist by early evening, after posing for a picture with her prize and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

As though in a Christmas-themed Netflix romantic comedy, Ms Ocasio Cortez added that she also wanted to “touch Harris tweed and see a castle”.

Boris Johnson
The Prime Minister arrived in Glasgow on Wednesday (Alastair Grant/PA)

The Prime Minister hit the streets of Glasgow again, arriving on Wednesday by train at Glasgow Central after being criticised for flying back to London from the summit last week.

To add to his green credentials, Mr Johnson poked his head into some environmentally friendly trains at the travel hub before having to fend off questions from the press pack later in the day.

He was also urged by Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, to stay in Glasgow as long as is necessary to ensure a suitably ambitious deal is reached, with the SNP leader even taking a swipe at the countries being difficult in the talks.

She said he should spend his time talking to those “who are perhaps standing in the way of getting a good deal”.

– Projector wars

On Wednesday evening, a group of protesters who call themselves the Gastivists parked themselves across the River Clyde from the conference, but surely had no idea they would be locked in a battle for the ages.

Projecting various slogans onto the side of the SEC Armadillo, including “clean gas is a dirty lie” and “cut methane now”, the projectionist for the event appeared to take the fight to the activists, replying by converting the colour of the building to a rainbow print before opting for the more direct approach.

According to posts on social media, the words “go away” appeared to be repeatedly projected onto the side of the building.

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