Guernsey Press

What the papers say – November 18

The Prime Minister’s confession of bungling the sleaze issue is one of several stories on the nation’s front pages.


Boris Johnson’s admission of mishandling the standards controversy and the Queen’s return to duty feature among an array of front page stories on Thursday.

The i reports Mr Johnson is “under siege” from his own party after the Tories’ “disastrous” fortnight on the standards issue.

The Times leads on a new plan for migrants entering the UK to be flown to Albania for processing, while also reporting on the Prime Minister admitting to mishandling the Owen Paterson affair.

The Daily Telegraph also runs Mr Johnson’s line of “I crashed the car over Paterson”.

And the Daily Express says Mr Johnson has admitted it has been a “car crash” on sleaze.

Elsewhere, The Independent leads on a “terror threat warning” for Christmas shoppers.

A new Government funding plan could leave tens of thousands of England’s poorest pensioners faced with paying the same for their old age care as wealthier people, The Guardian reports.

The Daily Mirror splashes on the cab driver who survived the Liverpool bombing having told a security guard moments after the blast, “Someone’s blown me up”.

The Sun leads on an alleged romance tryst involving footballer Jack Grealish.

Britons are facing a “£2,000-a-year hit” in their cost of living due to soaring inflation, tax hikes and interest rate rises, according to the Daily Mail.

The Daily Star splashes on the jailing of nine Insulate Britain protesters who glued themselves to roads.

Metro carries a story mentioned on several front pages – the Queen making a return to her duties after having been ordered to rest – while also leading on the nine activists sent to prison.

And the Financial Times says Amazon will stop accepting Visa as the “battle intensifies” over credit card fees.

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