Guernsey Press

Nine-year-old girl first to benefit from life-changing peanut allergy treatment

A deal struck by the NHS means England’s children will be the first in Europe to have access to the Palforzia treatment.


Children with peanut allergies across the country will be the first in Europe to receive life-changing treatment.

NHS England has secured a deal for Palforzia, an oral treatment, which helps to reduce the severity of symptoms including anaphylaxis, after a reaction to peanuts.

Evelina London Children’s Hospital took part in two large peanut allergy trials – the Palisade and Artemis studies.

Sophie Pratt said her family’s lives had changed after her daughter Emily, nine, took part in the Palisade trial.

Emily poses in front of a birthday cake after receiving treatment during a trial for peanut allergy treatment
Emily’s mother said the treatment has been life-changing for the whole family (NHS England)

“It was particularly noticeable at special occasions like birthdays, Christmas and on holidays where there are often special foods like cakes, ice cream and treats that invariable had warnings, ‘may contain peanuts’ or menus not in English.

“Since the trial, Emily can go to parties and playdates with confidence, eat in restaurants without us having to call ahead to check the menu, and we’ve managed to have her first holiday abroad to New York and even taken part in feeding animals at zoo experiences – which is Emily’s passion.

“We could not be more grateful.”

Emily with her family
Emily and her family (NHS England)

Up to 600 children aged four to 17 are expected to be treated this year, with those in England to be the first treated in Europe, because of a deal struck by the NHS. Some 2,000 a year after that will be treated.

Currently, peanut allergies affect one in 50 children in the UK.

NHS medical director, Professor Stephen Powis, said: “This pioneering treatment can be life-changing for patients and their families and, thanks to the deal the NHS has struck, people here will be the first in Europe to benefit.

“It will reduce the fear and anxiety for patients and their families who may have been living with this allergy for years, and carrying around emergency medication just in case.

“They should be able to enjoy meals out or holidays abroad together without worrying about an allergic reaction that could land them in hospital or worse.”

Professor George du Toit, children’s allergy consultant at Evelina London, was senior investigator for the UK for both of the trials.

He said: “This is great news for children and young people with peanut allergies. The approval of Palforzia represents a significant step forward towards improving the care for allergy sufferers, and we will now have access to the first treatment licensed to reduce the severity of this allergy and to protect against accidental exposure to peanuts.

“This will make a huge impact to the every day lives of our patients and their families.”

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