Guernsey Press

Stormont votes to set target of net-zero emissions by 2050 in Climate Bill

An amendment by the Green Party NI was passed by a vote of 50 to 38 on Tuesday.


MLAs have voted to set a target of net-zero emissions by 2050 for Northern Ireland in the Climate Change Bill.

An amendment by the Green Party NI was passed by a vote of 50 to 38 on Tuesday, increasing the reduction target from 82% to 100%.

Party leader Clare Bailey said the move means Northern Ireland will “no longer be the only region in these islands without a net-zero emissions target”.

Climate Change Bill
Climate activists at Parliament Buildings (Liam McBurney/PA)

“Following this clear expression of the will of the Assembly, I hope that we will now see this net-zero climate legislation come into force in the coming months.”

She called on the Assembly to back other amendments to the Bill, including a ‘just transition fund’ for agriculture.

Earlier, MLAs heard there was a “degree of absurdity” in the consideration of two separate climate change Bills at Stormont.

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots and Ms Bailey both proposed Bills which are being progressed in the final weeks of the Assembly term before the institutions are dissolved for fresh elections.

Northern Ireland is currently the only part of the UK which does not have its own climate legislation, however UK-wide targets do apply to the region.

Mr Poots’ bill, backed by the agrifood industry, proposed an aim to be 82% carbon neutral by 2050, but has been criticised by environmentalists as not going far enough.

Ms Bailey’s Bill went further, proposing a 2045 target for reaching net-zero carbon emissions.

On Tuesday, MLAs started debating some 80 amendments which have been proposed to Mr Poots’ Bill in discussions which appeared likely to required another day to consider.

UUP MLA Steve Aiken said his party has been encouraging those behind both bills to come closer together.

“To many people outside, there is a degree of absurdity that the Northern Ireland Assembly is indeed debating two climate change Bills when in fact what we should be doing is debating one climate emergency Bill because that is the situation we’re in,” he said.

Climate change bill
NI Minister for Agriculture Edwin Poots at Stormont, ahead of a debate on his Climate Change Bill (Liam McBurney/PA)

Alliance MLA John Blair said his party will back amendments for a target of net-zero by 2050.

Sinn Fein and the SDLP were also expected to back amendments for tougher targets in Mr Poots’ Bill.

On Tuesday the first proposed amendment to Mr Poots’ Bill was unable to be tabled because the MLA proposing it was not in the chamber.

The first amendment by Ms Bailey aimed to create a tougher deadline for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, from a target of 82% by 2050 to 82% by 2045.

She was not in the chamber to move the amendment when it was called on Tuesday.

Green Party MLA Clare Bailey dashes up the steps at Stormont to take her place in the Assembly chamber for a debate on a climate change Bill (Liam McBurney/PA)

Mr Poots described his Bill as “the right Bill for this House”, adding that it will “ensure that we can tackle the important issues around climate on the one hand, and ensure on the other hand that we can deal with all of the issues that involve our economy, our agrifood sector”.

Mr Stalford later clarified to MLAs that, as Ms Bailey was not in her seat and as no other MLAs volunteered to move amendment one, it could not be moved.

Interrupting Mr Poot’s speech, he told MLAs: “I think it’s important, given the sheer scale of what we’re about to go through, that we get this procedurally correct.

“I have been advised by the clerk that, although Ms Bailey wasn’t in her place to move amendment one, any member would have had the right so to do, so I am making the House aware of that before the minister proceeds on this.”

He asked whether any member was willing to move amendment one but there was no response.

By this time Ms Bailey had arrived in the chamber and moved amendment two.

She also apologised to the House for not being in her seat to move amendment one.

“I am very sorry that business has moved much quicker today than was scheduled so I can only apologise and thank you for allowing me to speak,” she told MLAs.

Members of the farming community stage a rally at Stormont over the climate change Bill (Liam McBurney/PA)

At the first event, farmers walked up the hill to Parliament Buildings, where they cheered an address by Ulster Farmers’ Union president Victor Chestnutt as he warned MLAs: “Don’t mess with our future.”

Mr Poots joined the crowd along with DUP colleagues, TUV leader Jim Allister and some members of the UUP.

“We want legislation that will support us, not eliminate us.

“There are few out there who are more vulnerable to extreme weather than we are,” Mr Chestnutt told the crowd.

“Farmers are part of the climate change solution but a net-zero greenhouse gas emission target for Northern Ireland will take us completely out of the equation.

“We’re pleading today with our MLAs to vote for the Executive target of 82% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

“Anything more than this is a vote to put us off the land, the land that past generations farmed and the land that we hope future generations can farm in a sustainable way.”

Later, environmentalists staged a demonstration as part of the Climate Coalition.

They were joined by representatives from Sinn Fein, the SDLP, Alliance Party, Green Party and People Before Profit as well as DUP veteran Jim Wells.

Environmentalists stage a demonstration at Stormont (Liam McBurney/PA)

“Farmers are stewards of the land, farmers know how to work the land and, unlike the weak climate change Bill that is calling for 82% reduction by 2050, I think our farmers are innovative and robust and resilient enough to meet much more stringent targets,” he said.

“What we are facing is an existential crisis.

“Last August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared it a code red for humanity.

“How is having weak climate change legislation, that is several years short and several billion pounds of carbon short, sufficient to the challenge?”

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