Curlew eggs rescued from airfields being reared and released in conservation bid
Officials said the rare birds nesting near runways were a safety risk and the eggs would otherwise be destroyed.

Curlew eggs are being rescued from nests on airfields and reared and released in a Government-funded project to help the threatened bird.
The scheme, to give the birds a “head start” by taking eggs from military and civil airfields in the east of England before incubating, rearing and releasing them in a habitat where they can thrive, builds on a pilot project last year.
The eggs, collected by staff from Government conservation agency Natural England and partners, are beginning to hatch at Pensthorpe Natural Park, Norfolk, and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust’s reserve at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire.

The curlews reared at Slimbridge will be released on Dartmoor.
Ground-nesting curlews are attracted to airfields, which mimic the natural open grassland they prefer, and can often be relatively safe from predators such as foxes due to the high security fences that surround them.
But officials said curlews nesting close to runways pose a risk to air safety, and before the project, eggs laid on airfields would have been destroyed under licence to avoid the risk of collisions between birds and aircraft.

Conservationists say the intensification of agriculture, along with planting trees on moorlands, is likely to have been important in causing past declines, while the birds also face high levels of predation from foxes.
They are “red listed” in the UK due to concerns over their conservation status, and wildlife experts say urgent action is needed to help them.
This year’s project continues the work of last year’s pilot, which saw 79 birds reared at Pensthorpe and released in Norfolk.
The progress of those birds was monitored by the British Trust for Ornithology, which ringed the fledglings and fitted some with satellite or radio tags to follow their progress.
Some 26 had been spotted by this May, the majority on the east shore of the Wash bay near the release site, and mostly with wild-reared curlew, although some had ventured further afield to Lincolnshire, Somerset and even the Exe estuary in south Devon.

More GPS tags and radio transmitters will be fitted to the birds this year to track their movements and learn more about their habits.
The team behind the scheme, funded by the Environment Department (Defra), say the data gathered from the young curlews will not only support the project but wider conservation efforts to reverse the declining fortunes of the species, including creating networks of habitat for threatened wildlife.
Graham Irving, wildlife management lead adviser at Natural England, said: “At Natural England we want to see nature thriving everywhere.
“The decline of the curlew is one of England’s most pressing conservation challenges and we’re proud to be leading this innovative project, which we hope will make a significant difference to the fortunes of this iconic bird in the east of England.”