Guernsey Press

UK’s Rwanda scheme ‘wrong’ and may put pressure on Ireland – Martin

The Taoiseach made the comments after it emerged that Ireland had a ‘severe shortage’ of accommodation for Ukrainian refugees.

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Irish premier Micheal Martin has said the UK Government’s Rwanda scheme may have resulted in an increase in international protection applicants in the Republic.

The Taoiseach made the comments after it emerged on Wednesday night that Ireland had a “severe shortage” of state accommodation for Ukrainian refugees.

Speaking from Government Buildings on Thursday, Mr Martin said that of those at the reception centre for Ukrainians at Citywest in Dublin, 70% are now international protection applicants.

“We will be analysing this, but something has happened in the last two to three months in terms of the surge within international protection applicants, something has clearly happened,” the Taoiseach said.

“Anecdotally or intuitively, one can see, and maybe sense that that policy announcement, which I thought was a wrong policy announcement by the UK, a shocking sort of initiative in my view, to be doing some agreement with Rwanda, clearly may have motivated people utilising the Common Travel Area to come into the Republic – yes, I think it is one of a number of factors.”

The Taoiseach made the comments as he and the Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien, announced a progress update on the Housing for All plan.

Mr O’Brien said “real progress” had been made, “despite significant headwinds”.

Housing for All plan progress report
Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien (left) and Taoiseach Micheal Martin launch a progress report of the Housing for All plan at Government Buildings in Dublin (Grainne Ni Aodha/PA)

“It’s a targeted support that goes to homeowners by reducing the purchasing price of an apartment. It will directly ensure that over 5000 new apartments will be built for owner-occupiers.

“I’m very glad to say, as the Taoiseach alluded to, that there has been substantial interest from the sector in this scheme, and it has the potential to bring fresh life into our cities over the coming years.”

It comes as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has called on the Irish government to “urgently” provide emergency accommodation for refugees.

Enda O’Neill, Head of Office with UNHCR Ireland, said the Government needed to make “significant” investment.

“The Government is to be commended for its efforts to date in providing accommodation to the tens of thousands who have arrived in Ireland this year fleeing war and persecution,” he said.

“However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the current approach of contracting accommodation from the private sector has reached its limits.

“Significant investment is now required by the Government to ensure that it has the capacity to meet the immediate need for shelter of new arrivals and to provide safeguards for the protection of children and other categories of vulnerable people.”

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