Guernsey Press

‘Savage’ attacker who hog-tied pensioners guilty of woman’s murder

Vasile Culea, 34, forced his way into the pensioners’ home, murdering Freda Walker and seriously wounding Ken Walker.


A callous burglar has been convicted of brutally murdering an 86-year-old woman in her home after savagely beating, gagging and tying up the pensioner, before abandoning her to die.

Vasile Culea was also convicted of the wounding with intent of his victim’s 88-year-old husband, former district councillor and alderman Kenneth Walker, on January 14, during the attack inside their home.

Romanian national Culea “hog-tied” Mr and Mrs Walker, binding their hands and feet, while searching the couple’s Langwith Junction home in Derbyshire for £30,000 in cash, which he had heard they had.

The Walkers
Kenneth and Freda Walker. (Derbyshire Police/PA)

Culea, who had admitted manslaughter of Mrs Walker and the grievous bodily harm of her husband, was accused by prosecutors in court of fabricating “a nonsense” to cover up for an attack on the couple that went “far beyond any justification; savage in its nature – and sustained”.

He also claimed to have targeted the property, where he spent more than three hours; after over-hearing a conversation in a shop between two strangers, talking about a “wealthy house”, containing thousands in cash.

The cash did exist but was only discovered afterwards by police search teams, with the jury hearing evidence Mr Walker had forgotten where he had stored the money in the home.

Vasile Culea
Vasile Culea, leaving a bookmakers earlier on the day of the attack, where he had been on a losing streak. (Derbyshire Police/PA)

He then claimed in evidence that he opened their unlocked back door, and hid in their utility room, while the couple chatted nearby, but was then later discovered by Mrs Walker and her husband when they came looking for their cat.

However, the prosecution said ruthless Culea waited for Mrs Walker to open the door to let the cat out, forcing his way inside and launching a violent and lengthy attack, which left Mr Walker with a broken neck.

Jurors heard the victims suffered “frankly horrific” injuries, and that Mrs Walker had a reasonable prospect of survival had she not been “abandoned without any assistance” and “with coverings to her face obstructing her airway”, according to Michael Auty KC, prosecuting.

Freda Walker death
Flowers outside the Walkers’ home, after the attack (Josh Payne/PA)

She had at least two coverings over her head that were knotted – a pillow case and a bin liner.

Culea, who left under cover of darkness with £300 from a handbag after claiming he was “scared” and “terrified” by sounds of a car outside – despite being shown calmly walking away from the scene – repeatedly lied about how the couple suffered the injuries.

Jurors were told Culea had claimed he found out about the cash after over-hearing two men talking in a Polish shop, about the cash in the Walkers’ house, two weeks prior to his burglary.

It was only when Culea gambled away all his own money – with CCTV showing him in a bookmaker’s for two hours on the day of his attack – that he claimed he decided to act on the information.

Vasile Culea CCTV grab
A screen capture of CCTV showing Vasile Culea, hours before the attack (Derbsyhire Police/PA)

Jurors spent only two hours and 15 minutes in deliberations before returning with their unanimous verdicts.

Culea, who had broken into the couple’s home in a quiet corner of north-east Derbyshire, was snared by DNA found on a baseball cap left at the scene, Derbyshire Police said.

DNA cap
A cap found in the Walker’s home – belonging to them – with Vasile Culea’s DNA on it, allowing police to hunt down their suspect (Derbyshire Police/PA)

Officers then scoured CCTV and found footage showing callous Culea walking away from the “caring” and sociable couple’s home, where they had lived in peace for more than 60 years.

By the time the victims had been discovered the next day by a concerned neighbour, Mrs Walker was dead and her husband – a former miner at Shirebrook Colliery and later a Bolsover district councillor – gravely hurt.

It also emerged from family friends that Mr Walker had been diagnosed with lung cancer only a short while before he was attacked in his home.

Culea was arrested at a property in Grove Road, Church Warsop – just a short drive from the Walkers’ address in Station Road – six days after his break-in.

Vasile Culea - moments before the break-in
A screen capture of CCTV showing Vasile Culea, just moments before he entered the Walkers’ home and launched his attack (Derbsyhire Police/PA)

When he left their home, sometime around 8.48pm that evening, he had changed his appearance, wearing a high-vis jacket.

After the verdicts, Ms Van Schaik said the methods used by Culea had been “truly shocking”, adding it was her hopes the verdicts brought “some consolation to those affected by this horrific crime”.

“Whilst Kenneth may have survived the attack, he had lost his wife and lived out his remaining days requiring constant care before he sadly passed away shortly before this case was due to be heard,” she added.

Culea will be sentenced on Friday, where he is facing life in prison.

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