Guernsey Press

Stooges recruited to fix trial and get boxing promoter off charges are jailed

Leslie Allen recruited a team to help him get off charges of having £150,000 of cannabis and cocaine.


A drugs kingpin, a rogue juror and his mother and a one-legged mechanic have been jailed for attempting to fix a trial.

Boxing promoter Leslie Allen, 66, recruited a team of stooges to help him get off charges of having £150,000 of cannabis and cocaine and a pepper spray in 2018.

Damien Drackley court case
Laurence Hayden failed to attend the trial (Warwickshire Police/PA)

They reported him to the judge who went on to convict Allen without the jury and jail him for 13 years.

Damien Drackley court case
Damien Drackley was found guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice (Warwickshire Police/PA)

Drackley’s mother Lorraine Frisby, 56, from Birmingham, had admitted the charge and soliciting the disclosure of jury deliberations.

Damien Drackley court case
Mark Walker was jailed for his part in the plot (Warwickshire Police/PA)

Leader Allen was handed five years to run consecutively to his drugs sentence.

“Naive and foolish” Drackley was given four years for his part in the plot which “struck at the very heart of the criminal justice system”.

Damien Drackley court case
Lorraine Frisby (Warwickshire Police/PA)

Hayden failed to attend his trial and has since been arrested in Spain under an extradition warrant, the court was told.

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