Guernsey Press

Archbishop criticises political attempts to ‘force same-sex marriage’ on Church

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has spoken at a global Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Ghana.


The Archbishop of Canterbury has spoken of being “threatened with parliamentary action” in an attempt to “force same-sex marriage” into the Church of England.

Speaking at a global Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) meeting in Ghana, Justin Welby also said that “many” members of the General Synod have “dismissed” his concerns about recent reforms.

The archbishop’s comments come after the General Synod – the Church of England’s legislative assembly – passed a motion to allow the blessing of same-sex couples in civil partnerships earlier this month.

Church of England General Synod
The Archbishop of Canterbury during a General Synod discussion about the Church and LGBT Christians (James Manning/PA).

He told those at the meeting, held in the Ghanian capital Accra, that in the global north, Christian values of “community and mutual responsibility” have been “almost eliminated” in favour of “individualism”.

Mr Welby said that when he has been approached by Christians who fear that Islam would “take over Europe”, he told them the “greater danger” is posed by a growing number of atheists, who he refers to as “nones”.

“I don’t mean N-U-N-s,” he said. “I mean those who when asked about their faith, say: ‘None. I have no faith’.

“As a result I was summoned twice to Parliament, and threatened with parliamentary action to force same-sex marriage on us, called in England equal marriage.

“When I speak of the impact that actions by the Church of England will have on those abroad in the Anglican communion, those concerns are dismissed by many, not all, but by many in the General Synod.”

Church of England General Synod
The Archbishop of Canterbury holds his head in his hands at the General Synod (James Manning/PA).

“In the UK and in many parts of Europe the majority of people now belong to no faith at all,” he said.

“They are not Christians, they are not Muslims, they are not pagans, they are not Jews, they are not Hindus. They do not belong.”

The archbishop also appeared critical of movements towards greater bodily autonomy and assisted suicide.

“We’ve replaced morality and Christian faith with personal control over our bodies. Birth with genetically-designed babies is not far away.

“And death is something that so many believe we have a right to choose in the way and at the time we want.

“Even my predecessor but one, George Carey, has spoken strongly in favour of assisted suicide in the Houses of Parliament – in the House of Lords.

“Modern European global north morality is a morality for the wealthy, the powerful and the intellectually well-educated, it is a morality that does not believe in human sinfulness and failure.

“It does not believe in forgiveness, it does not believe in hope.

“This is where the Church struggles.”

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