Guernsey Press

Speeding on 60mph rural roads reaches six-year high – survey

Nearly half of respondents to an RAC poll said they had driven faster than the limit on what are Britain’s deadliest roads.


Speeding on rural roads with a 60mph limit has reached the highest level in six years, a survey suggests.

Nearly half (48%) of respondents to a poll of 3,102 UK drivers commissioned by the RAC for its 2022 Report on Motoring said they had driven faster than the limit on what are Britain’s deadliest roads in the previous 12 months.

That is up from 44% in 2021 and equals the highest figure recorded in the annual survey, in 2016.

In the most recent poll, 8% of drivers said they frequently broke the speed limit on 60mph rural roads, while 40% said they did so occasionally.

Department for Transport figures show 514 people were killed in crashes on roads in non built-up areas with a 60mph limit in Britain in 2021.

That was more than all other road types, including motorways.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said: “The recent increase in the proportion of drivers admitting to speeding on 60mph rural roads is extremely worrying as more people lose their lives every year in collisions on these roads than on any other.

“It’s even more concerning that this figure is now back to the all-time high of 48%.

“We think the Government should address the issue of fatalities on 60mph rural roads by advising roads authorities to reduce limits on the most dangerous stretches to more appropriate levels.

“This is something half of drivers (48%) surveyed for the RAC Report on Motoring would like to see, with only a quarter (24%) disagreeing.”

AA Charitable Trust director Edmund King, said: “Drivers have to be aware of the dangers on rural roads – slow moving vehicles, mud on the road, a higher likelihood of cyclists, horse riders and ramblers, sharp bends and blind corners – and adjust their speed accordingly.

“The varied nature of rural roads means it’s very difficult to set one speed limit which is appropriate everywhere, but drivers should be aware that the speed limit is a limit, it is not a sign that 60mph is always a safe speed. Often it is not.”

Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns at charity Cycling UK, said cyclists are “more at risk” on rural roads than urban ones.

He added: “Tackling the risks on rural roads has to involve a serious discussion about reducing speed limits, particularly the 60mph default speed which is clearly unsuitable, unsafe and a contributor to road deaths on many minor rural roads.”

A Department for Transport spokesperson said: “While we have some of the safest roads in the world, we are committed to reducing road collisions by tackling dangerous driving. We will always consider what additional measures can be explored to effectively enhance road safety.

“Breaking the speed limit is illegal and puts lives at risk. Our upcoming THINK! campaign will help tackle dangerous driving on rural roads, and builds on the success of our previous campaigns which influenced attitudes towards speeding among young drivers.”

– The RAC commissioned research agency Online95 to carry out the survey between April 28 and May 13 last year.

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