Guernsey Press

Government confirms two-thirds of cancer targets will be scrapped by autumn

It is hoped the new targets will help diagnose and treat cancer faster


The Government has confirmed that NHS England cancer targets are to be streamlined, moving from 10 performance standards to three from October.

The new guidelines will move away from the “outdated” two-week wait target, the Government said, which will be replaced with the Faster Diagnosis Standard.

Currently, anyone who is referred urgently by their GP with suspected cancer must be seen by a specialist within 14 days.

The Faster Diagnosis Standard was initially introduced in April 2021 but has been under “rigorous consultation”, according to the Government.

It also supports a goal outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan – to have 55,000 more people surviving cancer for five years or longer by 2028.

The Government said it hopes the shake-up will help doctors to diagnose and treat cancer faster, and that GPs “will still refer people with suspected cancer in the same way”, but more focus will be placed on diagnosing or ruling cancer out.

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, national NHS medical director, said: “The NHS is already catching more cancers at an earlier stage, when they are easier to treat, than ever before and the Faster Diagnosis Standard will allow us to build on this excellent progress.

“The updated ambitions will mean the NHS can be even more focused on outcomes for patients, rather than just appointment times, and it’s yet another of example of the NHS bringing cancer care into the modern era of care.”

The 10 current targets will be consolidated into the following:

– The 28-day Faster Diagnosis Standard, under which patients with suspected cancer urgently referred by a GP, screening programme or other route should be diagnosed or have cancer ruled out within four weeks.

– The 62-day referral to treatment to ensure patients who have been referred and diagnosed with cancer should start treatment within that timeframe.

– The 31-day decision to treat – patients with a cancer diagnosis, and who have had a decision made on their first or subsequent treatment, should start it within 31 days.

However, figures showed cancer wait times remain well below targets set by the Government and NHS.

Of the 261,006 patients, 80.5% saw a specialist within two weeks, down from 80.8% in May but below the target of 93%, which was last met in May 2020.

A total of 59.2% who had their first treatment in June following an urgent GP referral had waited less than two months, up slightly from 58.7% in May but below the target of 85%.

Health minister Will Quince said the “biggest factor in people surviving cancer is the stage at which they are diagnosed”.

He added: “We have listened to the advice from clinical experts and NHS England to reform cancer standards which will speed up diagnosis for patients.”

Margaret McDonagh Requiem Mass
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has accused the Government of ‘moving the goalposts’ on cancer targets (Jordan Pettitt/PA)

“The Faster Diagnosis Standard is set at only 75%. This needs to be much higher, at around 95%, if we are to get patients through the cancer pathway on time,” she said.

“While great for reassuring patients without cancer, this may not help patients with cancer start their treatment in time.”

Prof Price also warned the announcement could be “adding to a false narrative” that steps are being taken to tackle “the current disastrous cancer performance”.

“The only measure that will ‘move the dial’ is the development and implementation of a radical new plan backed up with smart investment in people and kit,” she said.

On Monday, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer accused the Government of “moving the goalposts”.

He said: “I want swifter diagnosis, of course I do – both for the individuals concerned and obviously for the health service.

“The way to do that is to have a health service that’s fit for the future. We haven’t got one. I’ve set out a plan for that, which involves people, technology and reform.”

Genevieve Edwards, chief executive of Bowel Cancer UK, said it is “good news” for bowel cancer services and will “help NHS policymakers and the Government to identify parts of the country that may need extra support”.

Dr Jesme Fox, medical director of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, said: “We know the anguish patients and their families can endure waiting for results – every day feels like a lifetime – so we welcome any new measures that focus on reducing that agonising wait, getting a diagnosis and setting patients on the right treatment path sooner.”

Cancer Research UK’s director of evidence and implementation, Naser Turabi, said the change will be “helpful” and “should set clearer expectations”.

However, he added that changing targets “will not address the systemic challenges that face cancer treatment and care”.

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