Campaigner with microwave on head to say ‘enough is enough’ to convenience food
Healthy eating campaigner Microwave Man has already appeared in locations including Westminster.

A campaigner has taken to the streets of the country wearing a microwave on his head to encourage others to say “enough is enough” to ultra processed convenience foods (UPFs).
Fittingly called Microwave Man due to sporting a 900 watt hollowed-out microwave on his head, the campaigner has so far been photographed wearing a suit and riding the Tube, to the bemusement of fellow commuters, as well as posing in front of iconic landmarks in Westminster.
He said: “Convenience is killing us, but we, the public, are not to blame.

“We are all Microwave Man, so I am standing up for all of us.
“My goal is to not only raise awareness of the problem of old school convenience, but to say enough is enough.”

The research was conducted via Opinium in December, with a sample size of 2,132 UK adults.
For those interested in finding out more about Microwave Man’s next steps, they can follow #microwaveman on Instagram, TikTok and X.