Guernsey Press

Infected blood report to be published in May

The report was originally expected in autumn last year.

Last updated

The chairman of the probe into the infected blood scandal has apologised after pushing back the publication of the inquiry’s final report.

Victims and their loved ones were initially expecting the report to be published in autumn last year.

This was delayed until March, but the inquiry has now confirmed the final report will not be published until May.

“I am acutely aware of the need for the report to be available as soon as possible.

“When I reviewed the plans for publication, I nonetheless had to accept that a limited amount of further time is needed to publish a report of this gravity and do justice to what has happened.”

He added: “The Inquiry’s final recommendations on compensation were published in April 2023. My principal recommendation remains that a compensation scheme should be set up with urgency.

“No-one should be in any doubt about the serious nature of the failings over more than six decades that have led to catastrophic loss of life and compounded suffering.”

The Inquiry’s final report will be published on May 20 2024.

The inquiry team said the document will “set out and explain the many failings at systemic, collective and individual levels over more than six decades”.

“Irrespective of when the report is published, the Government has had recommendations from Sir Brian Langstaff to proceed with setting up a compensation scheme for victims for almost a year, yet the Government has repeatedly refused to act on the Inquiry’s recommendations.

“We now expect the Government to immediately establish a full compensation scheme, and extend compensation to everyone affected, including people given hepatitis B, people infected through transfusions after 1991, and every parent who watched their child die as a result of this horrific scandal.”

“The publication of Sir Brian Langstaff’s final report will mark the end of our battle for the truth, though due to government inaction, the fight for compensation goes on.

“Though many in our community are frustrated to hear of the delay, they are very conscious that the government has everything it needs to act on compensation now, and Sir Brian has made this crystal clear in his remarks today.

“People are dying without full compensation.”

Des Collins, senior partner of Collins Solicitors which represents 1,500 victims and families impacted by the infected blood scandal, added: “We are disappointed the report will be later than expected, however, understand that completing it is a mammoth exercise.

“As victims of the Post Office have discovered, all kinds of bureaucracy and red tape can hinder the effective implementation of Government compensation schemes.

“We can only hope given the recent groundswell of support from MPs that the Government unveils a scheme forthwith and finally acts with honour.

“The inquiry’s final report report will represent an important milestone in the quest for justice for infected blood victims.

“On the question of compensation, however, the Government does not need to wait. Ministers know they have a moral duty to act now and that all eyes are upon them.”

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