Guernsey Press

I have my life back: Man receives kidney donated by his friend

Calum Mitchell, from Dunfermline, received a kidney from Ian Cameron when it turned out his friend was a 100% match.


A father-of-two with chronic kidney disease has spoken of how a friend’s donation of a kidney gave him his life back after his first donation began to fail.

Tests showed Calum Mitchell, 45, and donor Ian Cameron, 41, were a 100% match to replace a kidney that Calum received when he underwent his first transplant, aged 21.

Calum, from Dunfermline, and Ian, from Edinburgh, travelled to hospital together and Ian burst into tears when told the transplanted kidney was working normally.

“My first transplant went ahead in January 2000 and the difference it made to my life is very hard to describe,” explained Calum.

“Fifteen years post-surgery, they told me my kidney function was gradually declining and by October 2021 a second transplant was raised.

“I knew this was ahead of me and never felt like the situation was out of control. I also felt hugely grateful my transplant had given me so many good years.”

Calum was listed for transplant and set up a WhatsApp group with people who could offer support to his wife, Kirsty.

“We were quite close and I had a good handle on the extent of Calum’s condition,” explained Ian.

“I was always interested in how he was doing and years previously Calum mentioned he might need a new kidney.

“At that point, I spoke to my wife and we agreed we’d get tested as possible donors. So it was a kind of done deal at that point, in my head at least.

“I think Calum thought I wouldn’t be a match so, after a bit of back and forth, he eventually agreed to the initial tests.”

The tests showed they shared the rare B negative blood type and, following Ian’s 40th birthday, further tests showed they were an identical donor match.

“I’d left the ball in Ian’s court as I was grateful but that gratitude was tied up with concern and nervousness,” said Calum.

Calum went back on dialysis in June 2022 and the surgery was scheduled for September.

“I was pumped going in for surgery, so excited,” said Ian. “I’d never had surgery in my life. We drove into hospital together and it felt like a very unique experience.

“Post surgery I was sore but I felt great, and ravenously hungry about an hour later. I was up and about in a couple of hours and in for two days with the soreness getting better reasonably quickly.

“The highest point of joy for me was when I was out of surgery and Calum was in theatre having the transplant.

“The surgeon came to see me, my wife and Calum’s wife, Kirsty, and told us the kidney had started working straight away.

“I burst into tears and I’m not a crier. It was so joyful for the three of us, such a high point and a real special time.”

Calum said: “Compared to the last transplant, the recovery was so much quicker. I was home four days after surgery and taking the boys to football three weeks later.

“It’s like being given your life back. At the end I began to feel the decline and then felt really ill starting dialysis and the next minute I was fully alive.

“Life got back to normal so quickly and that is the difference. You go from one extreme to normality and normality is very, very special. I can’t really put into words what Ian has done. It’s a gift like no other.”

Jen Lumsdaine, lead nurse at Living Donation Scotland, said: “For those with kidney failure who are facing treatment choices, we know that talking about living donation with family and friends can be challenging.

“The more we can raise awareness of living kidney donation the easier it is to talk about it.

“We also know that living kidney donation transforms lives – and we thank the donors and their support networks for this exceptional gift.”

Over the last 63 years there have been 1,905 kidney transplants from living donors in Scotland, with 95 taking place in 2023 alone.

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